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P. 7
Unit 1 How Geology Makes a Landscape

Listening Comprehension

Geology is one factor in making a landscape. In many cases, it is the most
important factor. The Himalaya Mountains between India and China are a good
example. They are the highest mountains in the world, with a famous landscape.
It is the result of a process in geology – “orogeny,” or mountain building. Let‟s
look at two of the most common ways of mountain building.

What made these tall mountains? A big block of the Earth‟s crust, with India on
it, pushed against China. Mountains formed where the two blocks pushed and
pressed against each other. Here, geology made a great and beautiful landscape!

Another kind of mountain building took place in Japan. Here, the mountains are
volcanoes. They formed when melted rock moved up from deep underground.
The melted rock reached the surface and formed big mountains. In fact, the
volcano Mount Fuji, or Fuji-san, near Tokyo is a famous symbol of Japan!

So, geology does much to shape the landscape around us. Look around you.
What kind of landscape do you see? Whatever it is, geology helped form it.

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