Page 82 - 14th @ Irving - SD Report & Basis of Design
P. 82

Notes:                            Notes:

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                                 Points Available:                 Points Available:

               WIRED Certification Checklist

                    Project Name: 14th@Irving  Date: June 8, 2018 Basis of Design - Appendix B (Current Scoring Format)  Conduit Quantity and Sizing  Diverse Points of Entry Telecommunications Room Access and Ussage  Riser Capacity Serviceability Confirmation from Carriers Section 1: Outside Plant and Point of Entry Planning  Service Entry Options Option A: External Meet-Me Chamber Option B: Conduits to the Property Line Conduit Routing and Placement  Separated Pathways  Conduit Depth  Conduit Slope  Conduit Material Conduit Quantity and Sizing Minimum conduit sizing/quantity  Additional Conduits Exterior Wall Penetration Pe


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                                        Y   Y   Y  Y   Y   Y      27      Y   3          4                  10         1       7          2
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87