Page 16 - Part B brochure
P. 16
Every learner has an ability to learn no matter what condition or
stae they are in. They just need an ideal teacher who will be
flexible and know axactly how to help them learn better. Under
all the curcistances in Pace commercial and entrepreneurship
School we tried our best to be an ideal teachers that the school
needs and based on the results we can see that our efforts did
not go to waste. We can see that we have brought change at
Pace commercial and entrepreneurship School as teachers
started to see some of teaching strategies differently. For
example some realised the importance of using technological
tools to enhance teaching and learning differently and started
using them. Some teachers saw the importance of having
internet access in the class and demanded it from the principal.
There are a lot of things that have changed and we are happy
we influenced it. We hope that there will be more improvements
and we also hope that we will keep on developing and be the
best ideal teachers that school needs
Thank you
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