Page 14 - Winners Circle Host Book - 2018
P. 14


              Here are the 2018 Talent Contest Winners who will perform at Winners Circle

              ANTHONY CRUZ                                                        JOSEPH SANTOR
              Mobile Expert, Los Angeles, Calif.                                  Principal Systems Engineer, Snoqualmie, WA
              Anthony has earned this trip twice over, winning Winners Circle honors and the 2018 T-Mobile   Joseph has been with T-Mobile for 10 years. During
              Talent Contest. Anthony has been pursuing music professionally since he was 19. His first single,   this time, he has proudly witnessed and played a big
              “Me Vuelas La Cabeza,” made the Billboard Top 40 for Latin Airplay last year and his full EP follow   part in the rapid evolution of our network, from 2G
              up is slated for release later this year. Anthony began his journey in entertainment as a professional   talk-and-text to the brink of a 5G connected world. His
              magician. He has a true passion for performing and says, “Whether it’s for 10 people or 10,000   passion for guitar and singing started when he was a
              people, my goal is to always give my best and put everything into what I’m doing.”  teenager, and he used to sing as a second job “back in
                                                                                  the day.” These days, he enjoys recording cover songs
              Mobile Expert, Monrovia, Calif.                                     during his spare time and sharing them on social
              Christopher Dally loves being part of a company that focuses on evolving technology and “what’s   media. Music is close to his heart because it reminds
              next.” He has been with T-Mobile for three years and his favorite part about working here is meeting   him of his roots and his beloved family.
              different personalities and helping customers achieve their wireless needs. He enjoys singing and
              dancing for fun, but started taking it a little more seriously in the past year. Christopher says he
              loves performing because putting smiles on people’s faces always gives him joy.
              JARRED AKERLY
              Retail Store Manager, San Fernando, CA
              Jarred Akerly began his T-Mobile career as a part-time Sales Associate in Denver, CO. Four years
              later, his mantra is #Win4EverLA as a Retail Store Manager in San Fernando Valley West, and it’s
              that opportunity for growth as well as our embrace of Inclusion that has Jarred living and breathing
              magenta.  Jarred has been dancing for eight years. His inspiration comes from “witnessing
              greatness.” He loves seeing people break limits and it inspires him to push beyond his own
              Signature Mobile Expert, Santa Monica, CA
              Alejandro has been with T-Mobile since 2014. His favorite part about working here is the company’s
              continual commitment to going above and beyond for employees and customers alike. He’s been
              singing all his life and says he gets inspired knowing that he, too, has the power to inspire others.
              EDGAR IGNACIO
              Retail Store Manager, Los Angeles, CA
              Edgar Ignacio started his T-Mobile journey in 2009 and quickly moved through the ranks from
              Sales Associate to Leader to Retail Associate Manager, and now, Retail Store Manager in LA. He
              adores his job and looks forward to continued growth here at T-Mobile. Edgar is one of nine children
              and has been singing and performing since the age of three and is inspired by the feeling he gets
              sharing his gift with others. He was once part of Latin pop group and is now an aspiring Latin Pop
              solo artist.
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