Page 4 - Microsoft Word - 78_Circular_2020.docx
P. 4
Annexure – I
Submission Format
School Details:
Affiliation Number
School Code
Select Teacher Name
Art-Integrated Exemplar
Contact Details
Teacher Name
Teacher E-mail
Teacher Mobile no
Teaching Learning Strategies:
1. Class: (Select Class from Drop Down List)
2. Subject: (Select Subject from the drop down list)
3. Chapter/Lesson: (Select Subject from the drop down list)
4. Topic:( Select Subject from the drop down list)
5. Art to be Integrated: (Select from the drop down list:- Local Art
and Craft, Theatre, Drawing/Painting,
Sculpture, Toy Making, Music, Dance,
Local Cuisine)/ Any other Art(Please Specify)
6. Learning Outcomes Targetted in the chapter/topic selected (Maximum 5):
7. 21 Century Skills to be Focused in the chapter/topic selected (Maximum 5):
8. Competencies to be developed through the chapter/topic selected (Maximum
9. Methodology/ Plan to integrate Art with the chapter/topic selected (In
maximum 300 characters)
This is to undertake that the Exemplar submitted by me is my original work.
‘िश!ा सदनÕ, 17 राऊज़ एवे(यू, इं#ट%टूशनल ए"रया, नई #द%ली–110002
‘Shiksha Sadan’, 17, Rouse Avenue, Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110002
फ़ोन/Telephone: 011-23212603 वेबसाइट/Website : ई मेल /e-mail: