Page 8 - New Era Newsletter 2nd Edition updated
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New Era Progressive Missionary Baptist State Convention of Alabama Inc New Missionary Baptist State Convention of Alabama Inc INTRODUCTION TO THE LIFE of SISTER JOSEPHINE HARRIS TURNER
Rev Henry J Rush Rush Sister Darlene Rush Rush In The United States in the 20th Century amidst the 1930s during the Great Depression many citizens were suffering from a a lack of income The two Presidents who served during this period were Herbert Hoover and Franklin D Roosevelt Herbert Hoover was the president at the the start of the the depression and Franklin D Roosevelt was the the president at the the end The Great Depression affected everyone The disaster however had the greatest impact on African Americans Discrimination in in jobs and housing continued to be a a problem for them By
the the the end of the the the depression a a significant number of black farmers had lost their farms Families were evicted from their homes after failing to meet their monthly payments The unemployment rate in the nation and especially in Alabama was incredibly high Because of the financial impact on families President Roosevelt introduced several federal measures to assist US citizens such as the New Deal National Housing Act of 1934 which only assisted white American The Social Security Act of 1935 was signed into law by President Franklin D Roosevelt to help provide income In addition birth was given to social welfare programs Several states in the United States Southern Plains were experiencing dust storms dubbed the “Dust Bowl ” The depression became much worse because of the dust storms because they killed people livestock and damaged crops Furthermore the the outbreak of World War II took place in the 1930s 1930s The 1930s 1930s was also know as as the the “Dirty Thirties” and there was a a a lot going on African Americans were still subjected to Jim Crow rules Also in America racial violence and lynching of black people continued to rise Within this disaster on September 1 Levi and Carrie Harris gave birth to a a a a baby girl they named Josephine who is now affectionately known as as Sis Turner Josephine was the the family’s fifth child and the the baby sister of Elizabeth Webster Rianna and Pearline 8

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