Page 49 - Social Media Musings
P. 49

Social Media Musings – Part III My Reflections on the Practice and Life
  Trial Practice
Know your jury instructions and work them into your presentation and closing argument. From the jury’s perspective, they are the judge’s words. Align yourself with those words.
When handling a case with media exposure, read what the media is saying about the case. The themes, the catch phrases, the sound bites - they may find their way into your case and you have to be prepared for them.
When communicating to a jury, think about how short your own attention span is? If you have a short attention span thanks to social media platforms like this, how long do you think the jury’s attention span is? Exactly. Get to the point and stick the landing.
There’s a skill in cross examination where you make a witness look foolish. There are witnesses who refuse to agree with you about anything. Even the most common sense, basic facts. See how far you can push them out on the limb. Then cut it off.
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