Page 67 - Strategic Planning for Law Firms
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Strategic Planning for Law Firms
One Size Does Not Fit All
Remember, one size does not fit all, and your friend’s firm’s strategic plan or one you came across online may be of little use. You need to craft and build a strategic plan that fits your firm. Just as abusinesssuitthatistoobigortoosmalldoesn’twork,agenericstrategicplanwon’twork. of similarly situated law firms for inspiration.
Defining the Firm’s Goals
You need to define three to five meta goals for your firm and have your strategic plan revolve around, lay the foundation for, and create a path toward achieving these goals.
Developing a Plan to Achieve the Firm’s Goal
When developing your firm’s strategic plan, there are numerous issues you can tackle.
The following is a non exhaustive list from which you can draw your three to five firm wide goals.
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