Page 10 - FlipBuilder Test
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Productivity improvement savings levers (2/2)                                                                                                                       Overview

                                                        PO requisitioning        Reduced FTE costs from PO requisitioning automation and elimination of lost POs
                                                        and transmission         Reduced FTE, postage, and communication costs (from manually routing POs to
                                                        $4.9M                      suppliers) through purchase order automation and the Ariba Network

                                                        Planner/                 Reduced FTE costs related to less manual work and greater efficiencies. Schedulers and
                                                        scheduler FTE              planners are freed up to work on more value-added services
    $22 million                                         $4.7M                    Reduce the amount of time it takes users to create and approve service entry sheets

    Total process improvement                                                    By improving demand visibility and collaboration with suppliers, you will be able to better
    savings (2/2)                                       Lower logistics            forecast demand, anticipate the proper production requirements and reduce the need to
                                                        costs                      expedite transportation, warehouse, and quality costs due to low inventory levels or
                                                        $9.2M                      unexpected needs/ delays.

                                                       Lower effort on           Savings from reducing the amount of time that it takes the user to create and approve a
                                                       SES Creation &              service entry sheet; shifting the task of creating a draft Service Entry Sheet to the
                                                       Approval                    supplier directly in the system, the user now becomes a reviewer and approver,
                                                       $3.3M                       eliminating the effort involved in service entry creation

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