Page 21 - Pure Coaching Magazine - Issue 1
P. 21

Next time when you are looking for
                                                              somewhere, some person, an opportunity that
                                                              you believe is in the hands of someone else,
                                                              when you’re frustrated or  lonely, go and look
                                                              in the mirror because you may just have found
                                                              exactly the person with all the answers. And if
                                                              you start to have doubts remember this
                                                                 "If someone offers you an amazing

                                                                 opportunity and you're not sure you

                                                                 can do it, say yes - then learn how to
                                                                 do it later"
         Sometimes I drift off my timer, as I become
                                                                              Richard Branson, Virgin Corp.
         more and more absorbed by awesome
         women. Art, graphics, film, actors, coaches,
         massage, sports, teachers, creators, servers,
         discoverers, mentors, entrepreneurs and              If you’d like to discover more about Network
         reinventors like myself, all with their own
                                                              Provence take a look at: 
         unique style. We are of all ages and all
         nationalities, yet what we have in common is
         that we are women,  risk-takers, most of us are      If you would like to work with me visit my
         out of our own countries, though many
         French women have joined us.               

         I mention reinvention, a word and process
         that has figured big time in my life post fifty. If
         I’d had the ideas and courage that I have now,
         so many years ago, I would have become the
         person that I am now, a lot earlier. The lesson
         of time, the journey of a life and the joy and
         challenges of trying to find your way. In
         creating Network Provence I have connected
         many people, produced work, friendship and
         collaboration. I have discovered that women
         particularly post forty, myself included resist      Rebecca Ronane is a Brit living in Provence
         self promotion, that’s not the world we were         with her French/Dutch husband and their
         brought up in, yet now the changes that we           scruffy dog Myrtle.  After working for 40 years
         have helped to make beg us to tell the world         in travel, she reinvented herself as a Life
         what we have to offer with confidence.               Coach, which inspired her to create ‘Forward
         Network Provence gives women  often for the          After Fifty’. She runs regular Group Coaching
         first time,  an opportunity to do this. We are all   workshops for women, exploring confidence
         evolving together, and yes many of these             boosting topics.  Three years ago she started
         ladies come to my monthly Group Coaching,            Network Provence for women to promote
         my original goal.                                    their business/projects, they are a community
                                                              of almost 500. Holiday Retreats in Provence
                                                              combines her travel expertise and coaching in
                                                              this magical region.

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