Page 28 - Pure Coaching Magazine - Issue 1
P. 28

Marketing tips for business owners:

        1. Know your offer
        Sounds obvious but it is crucial to define your

        2. Define your target audience
        Building a clear customer profile is a key
        insight into your brand and defines your
        marketing strategy.

        3. Stand out when trying to reach them
        Your customers - both existing and potential -
        like interesting and engaging content so think
        about how you can create the right material
        and where you can get it seen.

        4. Know the power of social media
        Social media is a free avenue to showcase
        your offering and define your brand identity
        for your audience.

        5. Be an authority
        Really immerse yourself in your industry and
        get to know your brand stablemates and
        everything you can about your product /
        service and make sure you shout about it!                Karen started her own marketing, branding
                                                                 and events business three years ago and
                                                                 works with an array of brands including
                                                                 Glastonbury, Small Business Saturday, D.A.D
                                                                 and Standard Issue, as well as a large number
                                                                 of smaller businesses on their marketing,
                                                                 branding and event needs.

                                                                 She is a public speaker and regularly speaks
                                                                 on a range of marketing topics and has
                                                                 hosted events at The School of Life, founded
                                                                 the Brand Beautiful workshop series for
        Originally from the north, Karen trained to be           business owners and co-founded business
        journalist and went on to write for the Metro            networking event, Spark. She sits on the board
        newspaper and then edit a fashion trade                  of the BelEve charity and is trying to get her
        magazine. In 2008, she made the leap from                first book written!
        journalism to marketing and moved to
        London, working for brands including Diesel,              
        Fenchurch and PRS for Music.


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