Page 35 - Pure Coaching Magazine - Issue 1
P. 35
Life is incredibly busy for the average Write! Grab a pen and literally empty your
person these days and it’s no doubt that head of all your thoughts. Journalling
from time to time this leads to feelings of doesn’t have to be done in a particular
overwhelm and indecision. If your way, it’s just a release of all the jumbled
thought patterns are like those of a great up thoughts you’re chasing round your
number of us, when feeling stuck, you mind. But to shift the negativity, once
may find yourself saying “I don’t know you’ve unloaded, try writing what your
what I want any more”. heart has to say and you’ll find some
much more inspiring, encouraging
thoughts are in your head too.
Actually, you do know, but you’ve most
likely become trapped in a repetitive way
of thinking that only serves to reinforce all Live your values! When you really know
your fears and puts you in a state where yourself, your values and what you stand
you’ve analysed till you’re paralysed. Don’t for, it’s much easier to take decisions from
be too hard on yourself about this; we all your heart, knowing you’re being true to
do it at some point or other – yourself. If you’ve never thought about
psychologists have even come up with your values, it’s worth taking some time to
the acronym ANTs or Automatic Negative explore these. You can practice living by
Thoughts to explain the army of negative them to test out whether they feel ‘you’
self-talk we face.
There is an alternative to this negativity,
but most of us are blissfully unaware, or
have forgotten about it. Your ego is the
voice that will be telling you of all the
things that could go wrong, how you’re
not good enough, you’re not ready – it
really is those ANTs in action! But your
heart is the calm, reassuring voice that
whispers kind words and soothes your
soul. Your ego doesn’t want you to hear
this voice and rampages so loudly that
often we forget our heart even has a voice.
So next time you’re facing a barrage of
negativity in your head, remember “your
ego ain’t your amigo, your heart’s the
place to start”. Be still and ask “What
would my heart say?” You might be
surprised. Jane Newport is a heart centred life coach
with a particular interest in life purpose
Top tips for living from the heart and creating flow in our lives. Recently
graduated from Pure Coaching Academy,
Stop! Take time out, even just a few she works from Staffordshire, coaching in
minutes to be quiet, away from person or via phone and video
distractions and actively question where conference.
your thoughts are coming from. Are they
from a place of fear or a place of love?
Recognising your thought patterns is the
first step to changing them. Mb: 07421 222163.
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