Page 52 - BWA Annual Report 2020 W
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 2020 presented many challenges for BWA’s member Associations and the Association Development team were pleased to assist with queries around Annual General Meeting (AGM) requirements, Tribunal By-Law interpretation and implementation, Member Protection queries and general questions around building strong and sustainable basketball associations.
COVID19 Impacts on Association Governance
In addition to the numerous other impacts of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID19) many Associations were unable to hold their AGMs in the timeframe required by their Constitution due to the restrictions put in place to pre- vent the spread of COVID19. While the Constitutions of some organisations, including Basketball WA, allowed for the AGM to proceed electronically other Associations were forced to postpone their AGM. In recognition of this, Consumer Affairs waived all fees for applications made between 1 April 2020 to March 2021 to extend the timeframe for holding an AGM.
BWA’s Association Development team were available to assist Associations with holding their AGM or with questions about the process for calling a Special General Meeting. If there were any concerns that the Associations's current Constitution didn't meet with regards to the Associations Incorporations Act 2015 then BWA were able to help make the necessary up- dates.
Associations Online is where Associations can lodge their information statements or access key documents if they have been misplaced. The Department of Commerce also provides a Guide for Incorporated Associations that highlight the key legal requirements of incorporated associations and provide information about managing an association; including meeting procedures, responsibilities of the Committee, record keeping and dispute resolution that can be accessed online.
Basketball WA Board
Induction Package
Our Associations could not provide the valuable service to their communities that they do without the work of many volunteer committees members. In recognition
of the fact information can be lost when committee members change, and to smooth the process of a new member joining the committee, BWA have prepared a suite of documents to assist Associations in retaining information and ensuring a smooth transition when committee members change.
Documents included in the package include; a policy overview, a conflict of interest policy and register and a recruitment policy, in addition to the key documents that Associations should generally already have on file but may not be keeping updated and in an easily accessible location as is best practice.
Association Resources
In 2020 a new section was added to the Basketball WA website that links Associations to key resources provided by BWA, the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries and other WA and Australian Government programs. This page is a great place to start looking for resources on club management, child safeguarding and ways to create a safe and inclusive club environment. This page is updated as new resources are made available.
Association Development
Strategic Plan Update
Basketball WA’s Strategic Plan outlined many opportunities for the organisation to support our member Associations and secure basketball’s place as the sport of choice for Western Australia. An update of Basketball WA’s progress against three key Strategic Governance Objectives are below.
To Develop a Strategy and Planning Process that covers all of Sport and is regularly updated
Throughout the Strategic Plan period Basket-
ball WA partnered with SportWest (formerly the Western Australian Sports Federation) to deliver Top Plan to our affiliated Associations.
Created by sport for sport, Top Plan is a unique software-based planning that that assist Associations in setting a clear direction for their future. In addition to supporting Associations in considering their purpose, values, visions and goals Top Plan also engages Committees and Members in considering and including the cultures and behaviours that they want at the organisation. Many Basketball WA affiliates benefitted from following their Strategic Plan created during a Top Plan session.

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