P. 7

  The Board farewelled Stephen Bezant who
was appointed to the Management Team
of the Lakeside Baptist Church. We wish Our thanks go to all the staff and volunteers
Stephen well in his new position, thank involved at our clubs and associations who
him for his leadership and contribution and helped manage the many changing conditions
take comfort in the fact that he is not lost to and helped to keep basketball afloat and
basketball but rather driving it from another buoyant. We have learnt to adapt and be agile
as a sport and many thanks must go to the BWA
staff who provided the industry with strong After eight years of service to Basketball
leadership during difficult times.
WA on both the Board and Finance, Risk
and Audit Committee, Craig Coleman 2021 marked the start of our new strategic
decided to step down. We will miss Craig’s cycle. During the year we completed our review
tutelage, knowledge and expertise around and finalisation of our new strategic plan. We
the Basketball WA finances and his desire are building on the strengths of the past and
to ensure that the participants were always looking forward with confidence. We know
front of mind. Basketball WA is forever that basketball has what it takes to serve the
grateful for Craig’s support and leadership many sporting aspirations in our community. it
which came at a time when it was much
is also very well placed to assist the community
needed .
in achieving much broader social objectives and
With Jennifer and Stephen’s departures and
the one existing external director vacancy, Our new plan is simplified to enable us to speak
the Board was provided the opportunity clearly to the community while stiving for the
to refresh. After an extensive search and highest levels of success. Our vision “to improve
selection process the Board was delighted
the life of Western Australians through
to appointed Lorraine Driscoll and Cheryle basketball” exemplifies our aim to get more
Kickett-Tucker. Further to this, Michael Quirk out of sport than physical achievement, and our
was appointed after nominations were called mission is simply to “to grow and develop the
from our Affiliated Associations. game of basketball”.
I would personally like to thank my fellow We have four key strategic pillars, Facilities
Board colleagues, Deputy Chair - Sandra (place to play), Organisations (facilitating play),
Riches, Phil Nixon, Cassandra Wright,
The Game (playing) and Community (growing
Lorraine Driscoll, Cheryl Kickett-Tucker and the impact). These pillars focus our resources on
Michael Quirk as well as Finance, Risk and supporting our community to deliver and support
Audit Committee members Geoff Searle and the growth of the game over the coming years.
Trudi Chesterton who have embraced me as We look forward to working with our members,
Chair and provided passion, commitment and stakeholders and partners to achieve our lofty
leadership to Basketball in Western Australia. ambitions.
On behalf of the Board our heartfelt Basketball is now the fastest growing sport in
appreciation goes to everyone in the Western Australia for children below fifteen
Basketball Community who volunteer or work years of age. BWA has grown to have over
in our clubs and associations to improve 57,000 registered participants. This figure
the life of Western Australians through doesn’t include our schools, entry level or
Aussie Hoops programs. There are still many
  challenges for our sport, none less than finding Boordawan.
a space to play. We are working with our
affiliated associations and local, state, and Fiona Notley
federal governments to try and achieve facility
Chair, Basketball WA
development and expansion over the ensuing
years. This will allow basketball to accommodate
all those that want“tTo phlaey thBe gamsek. etball WA Board has
 remained laser focused on delivering
Our major competitions continue to rise in
popularity with the WABL competition bursting
at toheuseramfsowuithrykouengypesoptlerawatneting itoc pillars - Facilities
(place to play), Organisations
play. Many associations are struggling to offer
opportunities to play at the highest level for all those interested. Regionally we have the
(facilitating play), The Game (playing)
additional problem of distance and how to bridgaenthedvaCstodismtanmcesubentwieteyna(ssgocriaotiownsingtheimpact).
These pillars influence our strategic thinking, decision making and allocation of resources.”

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