Page 2 - 2018HomeHealthHighlights
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PHA Providers Work to Improve Delivery of Pediatric Nursing Services

                            In summer 2018, PHA’s Pediatric Cabinet, a group of home health providers serving children
                            with complex medical needs through pediatric shift nursing care, launched two projects to help
                            improve delivery of these services. First, providers met with Sally Kozak, Deputy Secretary for the

                            Office of Medical Assistance Programs, to discuss a change needed in Pennsylvania’s Medicaid

                            regulations allowing home health providers serving pediatric patients only to avoid the process
                            of full Medicare certification. A program in Delaware, spearheaded by the Community Health

                            Accreditation Partner (CHAP) and Bayada Home Health Care, will soon allow these providers to

      obtain special pediatric accreditation rather than Medicare certification. This will help agencies focus on quality of care

      for children and avoid unnecessary administrative burdens that come with Medicare certification. PHA will continue

      these efforts into 2019 to find commonsense regulatory reform for our members.

      A second project will produce a new informational resource for families with children who are about to embark on their

      pediatric shift nursing journey. A small task force of PHA pediatric providers has compiled guidance for families, such as

      what equipment to expect in the home, how to line up insurance coverage for this care, and what to expect when
      inviting a nurse into their home to become part of the family. The goal is to better prepare parents and siblings for the

      transition from hospital to home in an effort to enhance family cooperation with agencies and health insurers. The
      publication is scheduled for completion in the first half of 2019 and will be distributed through PHA member agencies.

                             PA         National                          PA        National
    Quality of Patient Care   3.5          3.5      Patients better      76%          74.8%
    Star Rating                                     walking/moving

    Began care in a timely   94.4%       94.1%      Patients better      75.5%        73.7%
    manner                                          getting in, out o  f bed
    Taught patients about   98.2%        98.1%      Patients better at   76.4%        77.3%      PA Agencies

    their drugs                                     bathing

    Checked patients' risk of   99.5%    99.6%      Patients less pain   77%          77.9%      Meet &
    falling                                         moving

    Checked patients for    98.1%        97.7%      Patients' breathing   78.3%       77.1%
    depression                                      improved                                     National Home

    Assessed whether        80.1%        78.3%      Patients' wounds     90.9%        91%        Health Compare
    patients received flu                           improved/healed

    shots                                                                                        Scores
    Patients received       84.1%        81.2%      Patients better at   66%          65.8%

    pneumococcal vaccine                            taking drugs correctly

    For diabetics, got      97.6%        97.6%      How often patients   16.7%        15.8%

    doctor's orders, gave &                         had to be admitted to
    taught foot care                                hospital

                                                    How often patients   12.3%        13%

                                                    needed unplanned

                                                    care in ER

                  Team gave care   Team               Discussed     Patients    Patients would
                  in a professional   communicated well   medicine, pain,  who rated   recommend

                  way              with patient       home safety   agency 9 or  agency to
                                                      with patient   10         friends, family
              PA             89%                87%           83%         85%             78%
          National           88%                85%           83%         84%             78%
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