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NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM March 2025 Bristol Community Power Update
Danbury Lumberjack Contest
8-year-old Elsie showed her skills off in the Kids CrossBow Cut at the Dale Cook Lumberjack Contest on Feb. 23 during Danbury Community Center’s Annual Winter Carnival Week. Besides the kids, adult men and women also squared off that day to see who was
the best in the Log Roll, Wood Chunk Split, One Man Cross Cut, One Man Bow Saw competitions, as well as the Hay Bale Toss, honoring the late Dale Cook’s love for farming. Photo Donna Rhodes
Many of you may be wonder- ing why you have not received a letter from Bristol Community Power explaining the program options, electricity costs and other details. A key requirement for launching the Community Power Program was to ensure the cost of electricity delivered by Bristol Community Power would be lower than the default Eversource power generation rate. However, recent changes in the Eversource default gener- ation rate to 8.9 cents per KWH effective February 1, 2025 places risk on achieving this require- ment. The lowest Community Power generation cost of its “Granite Basic Rate” is also 8.9 cents per KWH. As a result,
Bristol Community Power will not launch in March as planned. The good news about this situation is Community Power of NH has driven down the cost
of electricity for all 190,000 custom-
ers across the 40 towns it serves
and thereby
driven down
the overall
cost of elec-
tricity for all
NH residents
regardless of
their power supplier.
However, the recent Ever- source generation rate reduction will delay the Bristol entry to the program.
There is pending legislation in the NH House of Represen- tatives to address this issue, and it is not clear at this point what the outcome will be. Eversource
has recently requested a 47% increase in Transmission and Distribution charges at the PUC and is ac- cused of shift- ing costs from generation to transmission and distribution costs. It will take some time to work this matter out in the NH Legislature and PUC. We will keep you informed of these
changes as they occur.