Page 20 - MARCH 2025
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Local Fundraiser Raises Thousands for American Red Cross - California Wildfire Relief
The final total is in, and we
ness, Squam Lake Rentals, MegaPrint, New England are beyond grateful for the un-
Printwear Company, Gowen wavering generosity of our in-
credible sponsors, friends, and
Realty Group - EXP Realty, Old Mill Properties, Bristol, local business owners. Thanks
NH, Annie Currier-Annie’s to your kindness and support,
our fundraiser, dedicated to
Overflow, Brian and Karen Young, Finishing Touches by assisting families impacted by
Mark, LLC, Rhonda Lynn the 2025 California Wildfires
was a remarkable success.
Rayno - Innovative Granite Group, William and Carla Drum roll, please...
Blanchette, Newfound Lake $17,415.81 has been sent to
the American Red Cross, Cal-
Inn, Bottomfeeder Septic Pumping, Meredith Village ifornia Wildfire Relief, 2025!
Savings Bank, Squam Lake This was our first time or-
ganizing an event like this, and
MarketPlace, and Wolfson Jewelers.
we couldn’t have done it with-
out the amazing businesses
Because of you, we came and individuals who stepped
together and made a real dif- ference. We would also like up without hesitation. Your
generosity has shown just how
to give a special thank you to powerful a united community
all of our Silent Auction do- nors; we could not have done can be.
A special THANK YOU to
it without you. Let’s continue to uplift one another and make our sponsors:
2025 a year to remember! Badger Peabody & Smith
Realty, Plymouth & Holder-
March 2025
All Types of Home Repair & Improvements
Garages & Sheds
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LOOKING FOR A FIRE STARTER? We have lots of past issues available.
Stop by and grab some.
Great for the the wood stove, or for piddle pads for your pup.
Recycle Reuse!
LOOKING BACK ____________
Amended Newfound School Budget Goes to Vote March 9th
By Judith dorato o’Gara
trict, an amended Newfound
January 30 in the SB2 dis-
the deliberative session on
With a majority vote at
$25,584,426 heads to a ballot
School District budget of
saw about three times the usual
vote on March 9th. The session
turnout, despite Covid.
parent and new administrator
says Erin Edwards, a teacher,
with the number of people,”
“We were really excited
of the Facebook group, We
first hurdle, trying to get peo-
Are Newfound. “That was the
budget,” says Edwards, who
ple out to vote for the amended
the amended budget proposal.
says many stood up in favor of
dents that spoke,” she says.
“I was impressed with the stu-
day on a general ballot,” says
warrant is voted on during the
On March 9th, “the school
The school district faces a
get could only increase by 2%
total. Coupled with mandatory Newfound Schools Superinten-
shortfall next year. With New-
found Schools falling in a 2%
of the $14 assessed for taxes,
increases in such as retirement which in the end would have
BUDGET taxcapdistrict,nextyear’sbud-
increased the budget by 1%
dent Pierre Couture.
continued on page 2
POSTAGE PERMIT 491 PAID Concord, NH MARCH 2021 VOL. 1. NO. 4
Voices Against Violence: A New Approach
By Brittany amalfi
Voices Against Violence is a place where individuals can find not only safety but solace. The nonprofit organization serves as a crisis center supporting survi- vors of sexual abuse, domestic violence, stalking, bullying, and human trafficking. Their mission is to provide a myriad of services to help these individuals lead them to a positive and nurtur- ing environment. With the staff providing in-person and phone support, they also assist with ad- vocacy among many places like hospitals, law enforcement, and mental health visits. As well as a 24-hour crisis hotline, they also offer emergency shelter in a non- disclosed location so people can
continued on page 3 VOICES
POSTAGE PERMIT 491 PAID Concord, NH Postal Customer MARCH VOL2.03.2N3O. 3
Alexandria Joins the Ranks of More than 300 Recovery - Friendly Workplaces
By Donna RhoDes
ALEXANDRIA – Dave Mara and Eliza Zarka of N.H. Gov. John Sununu’s office trav- eled from Concord to Alexan- dria last week to congratulate the town on being one of more than 300 towns and businesses that have signed on to become a Recovery Friendly Workplace. Mara is the Governor’s Advi- sor on Addiction and Behavioral Health, while Zarka is the Behav- ioral Health Coordinator, and together they work to promote statewide assistance in helping people recover from substance abuse and become meaningful members of their community once again.
The two partners in this cam- paign, which began in 2018, were RECOVERY continued on page 3
Don’t miss our Winter Meal Deals
while they last!*
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VALUE MEAL Available for socially-distanced dining,
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store pickup, and delivery.
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50% off installation • 50% off shipping 50% off second blind or shade*
603-686-7398 •
By BRittany amalfi
Loon Liberation
The Loon Preservation
Ct a o b ml e mw i o t r t e k e t h c o e n s e t i p n a u s e t d f e t o w d w o e n e o k s -
with seven trapped loons. With
the lakes finally freezing over
due to the extreme tempera-
tures we saw last month, the
Loon Preservation Committee
knew that there were going to
be some rescues on the hori-
zon. And thanks to them,
among many other hardwork-
ing professionals, several loons
were saved.
There was one loon found
on Newfound Lake and six
others found on Lake Winni-
pesaukee, totaling seven loons
that were in need of rescue. I
had the opportunity to speak
with Caroline Hughes, a biol-
ogist on the Loon Preservation
LPC Senior Biologist John Cooley, and Wildlife Rehabilitator Maria Colby of Wings of the Dawn
Photo by The Loon Preservation Committee
Committee, and she said, “It’s
been so warm, but as soon as
to take off into flight from the
They also watched the condi-
tend to stay open longer, so we heard that we were going to
lakes. And people in the area
tions on the ice cams, worked
winter rescues have been more get a cold snap, we proactively
had reported seeing loons on
with the Lakes Region Asso-
common,” Hughes told me. kept an eye on the lakes.” She
Newfound Lake, so the preser-
ciation, and checked the lakes
They ended up finding the six informed me that cold snaps
vation committee stayed on top
when they could.
tend to catch loons off guard,
LOONS of things as best as they could.
“In recent years, the lakes
and they might not be able
continued on page 2
603-686-7398 •
2 Years Ago
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