Page 22 - MARCH 2025
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NRHS Senior Highlights Importance of Sports with TTCC Fundraiser
Giving Back – The TD Bank Affinity Program
Last month, Newfound Regional High School (NRHS) senior, Vanessa Franca held a special fundraiser for the Tap- ply-Thompson Commu-
nity Center (TTCC) and helped raise $300 through
a raffle held at the Bridge- water-Hebron Village Schools 3rd and 4th grade bas- ketball games. This was part of her senior project on the import- ant part sports can play in the de- velopment of students and how it can positively impact their daily lives.
“I have grown up in this com- munity, and along with that the people I have grown up with have been my peers, teammates, and friends over the years. These experiences would not be possi- ble without the community cen- ter. That kind of connection and
self-discovery can only happen in places that challenge you pos- itively. Not only are sports good ways to get your children moving and interested in the great out- doors, but also acts as a way for kids to learn discipline and hard work, as well as bonding with other kids in the process,” said Vanessa Franca, NRHS Senior.
The Tapply-Thompson Com- munity Center is a 501(c)3 non- profit organization that runs over 50+ programs a year, including baseball, softball & T-ball, soccer, basketball and so much more. If
anyone would like to contribute to this fund as Vanessa has, do- nations can be made through our website at, or by sending a check into the TTCC with “sports scholarship fund” in the memo.
Our address is TTCC, 30 North Main Street, Bristol, NH, 03222.
“It was a pleasure working with Vanessa and we’re very thankful she chose the TTCC to work with for her senior project. Not only was she able to bring at- tention to the importance of par- ticipating in youth sports, but she also raised funds that we can now use to help ensure all kids have access to play,” said TTCC As- sistant Director, Dan MacLean.
Pictured below is this year’s TD Bank Affinity Program Check Presentation with TD Bank, Store Manager, Barbara Rosendahl and TTCC Assistant Director, Dan MacLean.
Time is Running Out to Get
With the weather promising to warm, we wanted to share a wonderful way you can give back to the Tapply-Thompson Com- munity Center (TTCC) that has given so much to all of us over its almost eighty years of service. We are very fortunate to have been the chosen recipient of funds from the TD Bank Affinity Program for the coming year, at absolutely no cost to you!
The TD Bank Affinity Pro- gram works when you open an account with TD Bank and ask that your balances benefit the TTCC. The bank will then make an annual contribution to the TTCC based on your account activity. All of your personal information is kept confidential, and only the anon- ymous balance is used to calcu- late TD’s donation. The more accounts opened, the higher the donation to TTCC.
Over the last two years, TD Bank has given $12,803.20 to the TTCC through the Affinity
Program and continues to be an amazing Community Partner. Most accounts are part of this program, including: Checking – both business and consumer; Savings; Money Market; CD’s and IRAs. If you have been plan- ning on opening a new account, we would ask that you consider doing so soon and request that it benefit the TTCC.
"TD Bank is proud to offer support to our community through the TTCC which sup- ports in every incredible aspect." said Barbara Rosendahl, Store Manager at the Bristol TD Bank.
Every penny makes a dif- ference to the TTCC and it is especially nice that it will not cost you a cent. If you have any questions you can contact Bar- bara Rosendahl, Store Man- ager, at Barbara.Rosendahl@ or call the bank at 603- 744-4800. The TTCC is so very thankful for this partnership and for all those participating. Thank you!!
Your Tickets to this Year's Murder
Ticket Sales Close On March 9th!
Mystery Dessert Theatre!
Franklin Opera House in co- operation with Frankin Footlight Theatre Co. is proud to present its annual murder mystery des- sert show, "Murder at the Pie Auction." Now in its 11th year, this collaboration between Frank- lin Opera House and Franklin Footlight Theatre Co. is loads of laughs and tons of fun. Charac- ters and camaraderie join forces to benefit Franklin Opera House.
March 14th is not only Inter- national "Pi Day" it is also the opening night of this hysterically funny whodunnit. In this pro- duction, members of the audi- ence will visit the small town of Mynute, Alaska. Residents are excited that their sleepy town will finally show up on GPS with the famous "Mother Mable’s Pie Baking Competition" to be held there. However, someone mis- typed, and Mynute was supposed to be Minot. So, there will be no
publicity from remote Alaska for Ma Mable. Add the mysterious murder of one of the pie judges during the auction, and you have all the ingredients needed for an evening full of big laughs and out- rageous characters.
Audience participation is highly encouraged as you help to solve the crime and find the cul- prit. Two shows only, at Franklin Elks Lodge #1280. 125 South Main St. Franklin, NH 03235. Opening night is National Pi Day, Friday, March 14th. 6:30pm. There will be another show on Saturday, March 15th at 6:30pm.
Adults $30, Seniors $25, and if you purchase eight or more tickets, you will receive a 10% discount off your total purchase! Your ticket price includes snacks, water, and of course, pie! When you purchase your ticket, be sure to select your favorite pie flavor. Choices include Blueberry, Bos- ton Cream, Sugar Free Apple, or Gluten Free Apple. Be sure to bring your wallet as there will also be an actual pie Auction, with pies donated by Zeke’s Sweets and local bakers! A cash bar will be open as well for those who wish to partake.
Visit to purchase your tickets. Now that is something sweet.
Events like this one make it possible for Franklin Opera House to continue bringing qual- ity affordable entertainment to Frankin and the surrounding area.
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