Page 23 - MARCH 2025
P. 23

                                                                       DINE OUT
will certainly be worth avoiding
a claim for bust pipes and the
resulting flooding. Using crack
filler around gaps in the house
or cracks in the foundation is a
worthwhile investment. Adding
insulation at key points not only
pays off from a comfort stand-
In summary, now is the time,
when the temperatures are still
reasonably warm, to do a quick
March 2025
risk survey of your property.
SUN 2/2
THU 2/6
SAT 2/15
By Jim KWinEgD 3/5 neWfounD insurance
air is bitterly cold. It seems the sun is setting in the west just an
also a consideration. Are there will look for reasons to deny your
for the
CIELITO MEXICANgRoEtSThAaUcRkAeNdT. Mo11sAt Mho- m10ePoMwners
The condition of the roof is a claim, the insurance company
SAT 3/22
the newsSUreNp3o/r2ts3 the attacks are 6:30 AM - 1 PM
world until March.
There is no need for the delivery
front of you as you drive is some-
frequent cause of Cyber fraud WED4/9 NEWFOUNDLiAsKlEacINkNof atten5tioPMn-o9rPlMack of
Insulate any water pipes
driver with the latest package
thing to consider. The cold and
primarily focused on big busi-
becoming ever more clever. So,
as in every situation, be sure you
our website www.newfoundins. conmtin.ued to page 23
ness, credit card companies,
freeze and burst. Maybe even
utilities or in some cases the gov-
By Jim KiNg NeWfouND iNsuRaNce
Cyber Risk / Cyber Insurance
It’s that time of the year again. 5 PM- 9 PM The daylight is fleeting and the
point but can pay for itself with
reduced heating costs. understand that in the event of
Your Insurance Guy
an insurance claim.
If you need more motivation,
quest to take some action that
s h i S n t g e l e p s t t w h o a t i n n e Ce d y b t o e r b p e r r o e t p e l c a t c i o e n d before the snow of any conse-
uclnadimer.stLanacdkwohfatmias icnotveenraendceanodr poor maintenance of the prop-
the Cyber criminals continue
ically well worth the money for
email us at info@newfoundins.
to evolve their tactics and are
the added protection. That said,
com. Alternatively, please visit
that are exposed so they don’t
from Amazon to slip and fall on
what more can one do?
understand what you are buying,
could cause damage leading to
Page 23
 Eat at a participating restaurant and help raise money for the Minot-Sleeper Library!
Mention to your server that you are dining out for the library and a portion of your bill will be donated.
cal eye and address anything that
Look at everything with a criti-
Real Estate
 THU 3/13
one is prevention. Don’t create
family can be very diligent about
you can add to your homeown-
to answer any questions. You
Cyber Risk, it is a term every- one hears in the news. It seems
vent any issues that arise from
Not to be overlooked are the
the cold and the accompanying
new shovel and some salt to use
driving habits. Leaving extra
that Cyber-attacks happen al- most every week. According to
Cyber attacks happen because
confronted with the reality that
relatively inexpensive and typ-
(yes, we do answer the phone) or
have no defense at all. So, what
hour or so after it rose in the east.
can a homeowner do to protect
The temperatures have plunged.
quence arrives? Should you con-
erty, that is, neglecting to take
themselves? NEWFOUNDLAKTEIhNiNnkaboutCyberprotec-
That bruising North wind feels a
sider doing the repairs while the
proper care of something that
tion as a two-step process. Step
thiengdsephtahpspoenf . wYionutera, ntdheyreouirs
coverage as an endorsement that
are happy to help. We are here
still time to take action to pre-
by comparison to what is coming
of them denying your claim.
a problem where there isn’t one!
managing Cyber risk yet you are
er’sNpoowliciys. tThheetiemndeotrosegmetentthaist
cfuandraemacehntualss aotf60g3o-o7d44w-5in0t0e0r
someone wasn’t paying atten- GILLY’S RESTtAioUnRAoNrT was careless. The most
snow and wind that is part of our
for the walkways when needed.
space between you and the car in
5 PM - 9 PM
Even in the best of conditions
now offer some sort of Cyber
your insurance coverages. We
just doesn’t sound right, question
is to consider adding Cyber pro-
what is not covered.
it! Call the sender to confirm that
tection to your homeowner’s pol-
Please feel free to call us with
they indeed sent the email.
icy. Most insurance companies
any questions or concerns about
little harsher.
temperatures are in the high 30’s
you reasonably should have
As we make our way into
and 40’s? It’s still relatively balmy
taken care of, could be the basis
 Completely Renovated Camp in Embden, Maine
For Sale by owner - $220,000
A perfect cabin in the woods! Only 3.5 hours from Newfound Lake. Completely renovated
1 Bedroom, 1 Bath, 650 sq ft. on 3.98 acres with new metal roof, windows, siding, electrical, plumbing, kitchen and bath, septic and well, plus mini-split and generator. Great spot for hunting and access to snowmobile and ATV trails. Diadema Golf Course only 5 minutes away, or put your boat in at Embden Pond, only 4 miles. Sugerloaf skiing is 40 minutes. Get away from it all!
Serious inquires only, email for info and photos.
    ernment. So, if you are a home- owner, what is the big deal?
The big deal is this, you are
an easy target! Cyber criminals
Be alert! If an email comes to you that you don’t recognize, look at the sender’s email ad- dress. If you don’t recognize it don’t respond. Second, never
Thank You!
use automated systems to probe December-Sctluickdoennaltinkoifyouarenotto-
for weakness, so they don’t care whether the target is a large
tally sure who sent it and why
the Month & Spirit and
company or a single homeowner, it is a volume game for them.
you are receiving instructions
The difference is that all the organizations that you hear about in the neAwrts had some sort of defense inBupsilnaecses and the still
point go back to step one and
confirm who sent you the email
Computer Science
If an email arrives with a re-
Service Awards
to click on the link. As a starting
Carol Lupien
with the link.
Xander Krom Lilly Greene
English Maggie Plamondon
 North CouNtry Mortgage
French Adara Glidden
 Licensed by the NH Banking Department
Math NMLS # 143858K4avan Zick
Music Vivian Littlefield Physical Education Vivian Fauteux
“Proudly Serving The Granite State”
Science Vivian Littlefield
Social Studies
Dillon Belliveau BradPyhoHnaer:k(e6r03) 348-8875
North CSopuanntriyshMortgage
Jayden Belyea
3727 North Main Street
Fax: (603) 947-7907
Spirit and Service
Andrew Hunt
Pittsburg, NH 03592
Shawn Phillip Economides
Senior Project Casey Bush
Broker / Owner
NMLS # 166706
Spirit and Service
Hayden MacKay
   Since 1979...
507 Lake St, Bristol, NH 03222
Lorna Platts Sirois Owner/Broker
“Rt. 3A, across from the bike path bridge”.
Disabled Combat Veteran Owned Business
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