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May 2024 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM Page 17 Healthy Living
Empowering Youth for a Brighter Tomorrow:
Communities for Alcohol - and Drug-Free Youth (CADY) Awarded 2024 Bangor Savings Bank Foundation “Community Matters More”
 PLYMOUTH – CADY, a dedicated nonprofit for youth enrichment and empowerment, is thrilled to announce that it has been awarded a generous grant to bolster its efforts in sup- porting young people in Central NH communities. The grant, provided by the Bangor Savings Bank Foundation, will enable CADY to expand its range of youth initiatives, furthering its
port and opportunities to youth from diverse backgrounds.
"We are deeply honored to receive this grant from Ban- gor Savings Bank Foundation, which will allow us to amplify our commitment to empow- ering more youth in our com- munity," said Deb Naro, Executive Director of CADY. "At CADY, we believe that every young
prevention. Since 2009, over 138 youth in Central NH have served as leaders in prevention and mentors who influence pos- itive change with their peers, community, and state. The YAAC leaders have testified be- fore the NH Legislature on nu-
merous bills impacting youth, effecting positive change, work- ing with young children to in- spire healthy decision-making, and have presented to presiden- tial candidates on the needs of today’s youth.
2. Community Engage- ment Projects: The Bangor Savings Bank Foundation grant will support the implementa-
Family, Van Sickle Family, Arse- nault family, Varin Family, Waters family, Di Salvo family and the Lovett-Woodsum Foundation.
Pemi-Baker Hospice & Home Health is a trusted, non- profit agency proudly serving 32 towns in central and northern
tion of community engagement projects led by youth, empow- ering them to initiate positive change in their communities and address pressing social is- sues.
CADY extends our congrat- ulations to the YAAC youth for mobilizing their com- munity to vote for their cause and sincere grati- tude to Bangor Savings Bank Foundation for their generous support and commitment to youth empowerment and prevention. The organization also expresses appreciation to its dedicated volunteers, supporters, and community partners whose contributions have been instru-
mental in our success.
For youth in Central New
Hampshire who are interested in participating in CADY's
NH since 1967. Expert services include at-home healthcare and physical therapies (VNA), hospice and palliative care, and community programs in- cluding: American Red Cross CPR/AED/FA, Caregiver and Bereavement Support Groups
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youth substance misuse and promote healthy environments and promising futures in our next generation of leaders and changemakers.
This significant funding comes at a crucial time as youth face unprecedented challenges in today's world. With this grant, CADY will be able to enhance its impact and reach, providing even more comprehensive sup-
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support has made this auction possible, and we are grateful for their dedication to our cause. Thank you to Rockywold Deep- haven Camps, Speare Memorial Hospital, Mimecast, Dumont
portunity to thrive and
fulfill their potential.
This grant will enable us to expand youth initiatives and create even more pathways for youth to succeed."
Key initiatives that will be supported by the grant include: 1. Youth Advisory and Advocacy Council (YAAC): This funding will support youth leaders and mentors in
Construction, Waterville Valley Realty, Mid-State Health Center, Bank of New Hampshire, Noyes Insurance, Meredith Village Sav- ings Bank, Sheehan Phinney, New England Employee Bene- fits Company, R.M. Piper Inc., Mountain Fare Inn, the Vascak
Grant to Expand Youth Programs
youth leadership programs or learning more about our initia- tives, please visit or contact Liz Brochu, Senior Di- rector of Training, Education & Programs at ebrochu@cadyinc. org.
About CADY
Since 1999, Communities of Alcohol- and Drug-Free Youth (CADY) has been helping Cen- tral NH youth make healthy and safe choices by working with schools, parents, youth, and communities to prevent and reduce youth substance use and promote healthy environ- ments and promising futures. CADY strives to provide young people with the tools, resources, and support they need to thrive and make a positive impact in their lives and communities.
and Ask A Pemi-Baker Nurse days at your local senior cen- ters. Providing compassionate care with experienced staff who are trained, certified profession- als and also your neighbors. In your time of need, we’re right where you need us.
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National Institute on Drug Abuse; The Lancet; American Journal of Psychiatry; The Wall Street Journal
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