Page 15 - MAY2024
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May 2024 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM Page 15 Keep the Commitment, Keep The Heat On Community
The Board and staff of the Plymouth Area Community Closet, (a non-profit organiza- tion providing area residents with financial and home heating as- sistance, and a food pantry), and the Keep The Heat On (KTHO) committee volunteers extend their sincere thanks to the residents and sponsors who provided outstand- ing community and financial support during our recent winter season fundraiser.
The fundraising event, also called “Keep The Heat On” is the major source of funding for PACC’s financial fuel assistance program. The KTHO committee organizes the annual event and all the proceeds from go directly to PACC. And, with high costs for other necessities (like prescrip- tion drugs) PACC’s home heating assistance clients may need addi- tional aid. Consequently, KTHO donations are also authorized to benefit PACC’s other programs.
The event, which included but was not limited to dinner, musical entertainment, and a silent auc- tion and a raffle, was held in late January at the Common Man Inn in Plymouth, thanks again to its generous owner Alex Ray. When the evening event concluded and the net proceeds were tallied, the contributions to the KTHO cam- paign were over sixty thousand dollars, exceeding the KTHO’s financial target. Essential to the event success was exceptional community participation whether it was by ticket sales (200), spon- sorships (27), auction donations and sales (150) or exquisite cui- sines donated by local restaurants and chefs. And as pledged in an earlier article, we are giving a shout out of thanks to those all the culinary contributors- Bieder- mans, Café Monte Alto, Fugaky, LaFamilia, Mad River Tavern, Peek A Bowl, Phat Boyz, Rumney Village Store, Six Burner Bistro, Thai Smile, The Chase Street Market Cafe, The Common Man Inn, The Covered Bridge Farm Table, The Grotto, The Groovy Noodle, The Italian Farm House, The Last Chair, The Lucky Dog, The Sunset Grill, Walter's Basin, and Yamas- all the foods, from ap- petizers to desserts was first rate!
Perhaps you made the decision to assist neighbors in need and
wrote a check. Thank you! You joined a host of local business owners, farmers, flower shops, ar- tisans, painters, quilters, knitters, jewelry makers, individuals, and families who made donations. Some donors wrote a check, some donors wrote more, some donors are new, some have a his- tory of giving, some are artisans, some love art. What matters is that the act of giving shows you care, that your concerned and that you are committed to “doing a little good”. It’s a pleasure to write these words about “you”, to “you”. Thank you, and you, and you! Pass it on! And see you next year when we celebrate our 20th year of Keeping The Heat On.