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BRISTOL – As we roll into another month with mud sea- son sliding out and bug season smack dab upon us, we have a lot to share with you as we will be holding two fundraisers
May 2024
 Spring Special Events at TTCC money over the year.
On June 11th and 12th, we will be holding a special on- line fundraiser known as NH Gives. This is the easiest way to support your local nonprofit organization, as your donations help us operate programs such as our Every Child is Ours Weekend Food Supplement in June, as well as, our annual
on to fundraising for future
Program, Operation Warm projects. This year’s home run
Opening Day Baseball, Softball
Winter Clothing Drive, and Af- derby is back, plus cash calen-
& T-Ball Ceremony on May
terschool and Summer Camps 4th, that unofficially kicks off
dars. Whoever raises the most
Programs. Stay tuned for more money can win Red Sox tick-
the Summer Season.
information on how you can ets at Fenway. We are always
Please join us on Saturday,
give over this 24-hour period May 4th, as we begin the bet-
looking for donations to better
as part of a statewide effort to the youth baseball program.
ter weather with our Annual
highlight and help our non- Checks can be sent to: Tapply
Opening Day ceremonies.
profit organizations.
Wells Field is ready, and we’d
Thompson Community Center,
On June 22nd we will be 30 North Main Street, Bristol,
like to thank everyone for the
holding our 14th annual “Tee it NH 03222. Thank you to ev-
fundraising over the years that
up ‘Fore’ the Kids” Golf Classic helped fund this project. Project
eryone involved and to the par-
fundraiser, as this is a super fun #3 starts next week, and then
ents and kids who have raised
event that is a perennial favor-
ite. Last year, we had an amaz- ing group and a very successful tournament, as we are looking for event sponsors, prize spon- sors, players, and more to make this year the best ever. If you can lend a hand, donate a spon- sor prize, or try your luck on the links, we’d love to hear from you. Registration is now open for teams of four people, -regis- ter soon as spots fill up fast.
If you would like to join our team as a volunteer or commu- nity partner, please let us know as we’d like to hear from you. We are currently looking for umpires and other volunteers for the upcoming ball season. For more information on how you could help, please call (603) 744-2713 or email us at info@
Fully Insured
Residential, Commercial, Generators, Service Calls
  Have you ever read a story
or heard a report on the eve-
ning news about child abuse
and neglect here in New
Hampshire and thought to
yourself, “I wish there was
something I could do?” Me
too! That’s why I chose to in-
vestigate becoming a Court
Appointed Special Advocate
– a CASA. What I found
was a wonderful group of
people, dedicated to the wel-
done – and it is volunteer! Being a voice for a child dealing with the impacts of trauma allows me to be true to my values, to walk the talk, and to pay it forward. I know from my own life experience that a caring person can make a profound difference in the life of a child. Now, more than ever, children are in crisis here in New Hamp- shire. If, like me, you too be- lieve our future lies with the children, then I encourage you to visit or call (603) 626-4600 for
more information.
Lawrence Wylie New Hampton, NH
fare of abused and neglected
children, who provided me
with training and support. Throughout my years of being a CASA, I have felt pre- pared and supported. I love this work and often tell peo- ple it is the best work I’ve ever
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