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By BRittany amalfi
November 2022
 Newfound’s Every Child is Ours and Operation Warm Are Back in Full Force
  Newfound Every Child is Ours: Every Child is Ours is a national non-profit that was brought to the Tapply-Thomp- son Community center by the Bristol Police Department about three years ago. It was no question- the TTCC took it on immediately when they learned what the mission was. Their goal is to provide chil- dren in need with food. New- found Every Child is ours was to benefit the communities of Bristol, New Hampton, Alex- andria, Hill, Danbury, Bridge- water, Hebron, and Groton. So when the TTCC learned there were hundreds of children in the community who were in need of food, they jumped at the opportunity to help.
The TTCC’s Newfound ECIO program serves all com- munity elementary, middle, and high schools. They give to Bristol Elementary School, Bridgewater-Hebron Village School, New Hampton Com- munity School, Jennie D. Blake School, Danbury Elementary School, Newfound Memorial Middle School & Newfound Regional High School. Dan Maclean, the Assistant Direc- tor at the TTCC, tells me that
they’re at about 100 bags of food a week, and with 10 items per bag, they are giving out about 1,000 items of food per week! The process includes fill- ing plastic shopping bags with single-serve food items and dis- tributing them to the school for students in need. Their idea is to give the kids non-perishable food items, so they have food for the weekends. Food items can include products like apple sauce, oatmeal packets, maca- roni and cheese, cheese-its, and many others.
With averaging 100 bags a week, the TTCC isn’t with- out help putting these bags to- gether. MacLean informs me that the high school has a pro- gram for 18-21-year-olds with special needs continuing their education, and students from this program will come in every Tuesday and help put the bags together.
The program begins at the start of the school year when the TTCC contacts the schools so their contact can reach out to families to see who might be interested. What is wonderful is that this is not just a program that runs only during the hol- iday season; it runs all year round. Therefore, the TTCC is
always looking for donations for this program. Interested com- munity members can find more information on the TTCC website, but the main focus is newly purchased single-serve (pre-packaged) items. They also accept monetary donations, and donations can be dropped off at the TTCC during the day or at the Bristol PD department
(who the TTCC partners with for this program) twenty-four hours a day.
Operation Warm: Like Every Child is Ours, Operation Warm is a national non-profit with a chapter in Bristol. The TTCC partnered with Bristol Community Services, the Bris- tol Fire Department, and with assistance from the Santa Fund
of the Greater Lakes Region to make Operation Warm a successful program about four years ago. As well as the strong collaboration, The Greater Lakes Regional Children’s Charitable Fund partially funds Operation Warm Newfound.
Operation Warm aims to provide children in need with warm clothes for the winter.
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