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 November 2022
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tion provides advocacy and a safe haven for those exploited in their circumstance of addiction.
Here is the last thought as I complete my karmic exer- cise. Despite the dedication of the individuals and agencies I have mentioned, the epidemic is spreading, especially among youngsters. As a result, there needs to be a more robust allo- cation of government resources. Just as importantly, there is a need for more adult mentors to guide our region’s vulnerable youth.
There are many resources in addition to those mentioned in this article. One way to navigate to a resource that you might wish to learn more about is to go to I wish you a worthwhile voyage and good karma.
served in the New Hampshire Legislature and has degrees in Psychology and Education. Her spirited fight against the area’s drug epidemic is personal and professional. Unfortunately, her mother and two of her siblings fell victim to depression and sui- cide.
CADY’s main focus is preven- tion. In this regard, Deb Naro writes frequent articles making her readers (especially parents) aware of ways to guide young- sters away from drugs. CADY’s programs address prevention and responses to active addic- tion issues. The Restorative Jus- tice Court Diversion Program is an example of the latter. It gives youngsters a second chance to make amends and clear their re- cords. (Details of this Program are explained in the September issue of Newfound Lake Life In ad- dition, CADY works with area school systems to provide curric- ula such as Lion’s Quest to address the emotional issues of younger students. “Alex’s Story” is a prod- uct of working with Plymouth State University’s Guidance and Education Departments. It’s a touring theatrical production raising the student audience’s
awareness of the journey to addiction. Space doesn’t allow a comprehensive list of all the programs, but CADY’s Parent Advisory Council should be mentioned. The PAC, which in- cludes Parent Leaders from the entire region, provides a forum for dialogue between parents and CADY. Through the PAC, CADY keeps parents informed of current concerns, such as the growing body of evidence that both vaping and marijuana use have deleterious health conse- quences. Volunteers for the PAC are heartily welcomed! Finally, it should be noted that CADY, headquartered in Plymouth, has opened a second office in Bristol and will be recruiting for Bristol’s PAC.
Multiple organizations, grass- roots efforts, health centers, po- lice agencies, and schools have joined the fight to combat drug misuse. Many of their programs utilize the help of CADY re- sources, but each has its own unique niche in the persistent struggle. Although generous in giving this writer information and insights, space limitation precludes a comprehensive look at each organization’s valuable work.
The police, of course, have been in this struggle for a long time. Bristol Chief Jim McIn- tyre conveys pride not only in his officers’ firm and courteous approach to enforcement but also in the officer’s mentor-like interaction with youngsters. He expresses a particular concern about vaping in the Middle School and a desire to have a full-time police resource offi- cer at Newfound High School. Plymouth is fortunate in this re- gard. Resource officer Jill Bonan works with all grade levels and touts the vital life-changing im- portance of mentoring. She at- tends the School Administrative meetings focusing on keeping the students connected to helpful adults. Jill affirms the effective- ness of CADY’s Restorative Jus- tice Program. Jen Kastick is the Newfound School District Social Worker. She is a worker, indeed, counseling students and parents
THE Traveler’s
about the danger of drugs as well
as linking those in needy circum-
stances to helpful resources. Jen’s
responsibilities entail working
in eight towns and three coun-
ties. She would welcome more
help in nurturing 1,100 students
(and sometimes their parents).
Paul Hoiriiis, Newfound High’s
Principal, notes that in addition
to Jen’s Herculean efforts, the
school’s Wellness classes are re-
quired for graduation and that
there is student representation
on the Wellness Committee.
Deb and Bryan Richardson
guide Stand Up Newfound in its
unique mission to provide guid-
ance, comfort, encouragement,
and solace to the families of those
suffering from addiction. They
bring special empathy as survi-
vors of their own family tragedy.
When it all “goes south,” as they
say, Tina Schumacher is standing
by with the resources of Voices
Against Violence. This organiza-
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