Page 14 - GLFEB2023
P. 14

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   44th Annual Webster Lake Ice Fishing Derby
They are
big as in the New England wa- ters, but they fight just as hard pound for pound. Did you know that the Bluefish is it’s own spe- cies, I did not until recently, no
February 18 & 19, the lake becomes a frozen playground for ice fisherman and other winter enthusiasts. The Webster Lake Ice Fishing Derby is a great event geared toward kids and their love of fishing.
This past year was the 43rd anniversary of this event and turnout was terrific. Trophies for the largest trout, pickerel and perch were awarded. Raffle tick- ets are also sold for some very nice gifts.
not as
You’ll have to be a little more creative,
living-room dance or two. Puzzles and games might also add some laughter to the day.
Whether you set up a comfy picnic, strike out on a long hike, watch a slow sunset, or climb aboard a kayak or bicy- cle, being in the great outdoors can bring your love into focus. In some cases, your choices may be defined by work schedules or other responsibilities, but even a quick visit with Mother Nature provides a beau- tiful setting. Just be sure to match any ac- tivity with your partner’s abilities, so you can participate together.
The fanciest restaurants will often have glitzy Valentine’s Day-themed dinners, with prices to match. But there are likely more budget-friendly options for those who would still prefer to let someone else
do the cooking. Seek out a previously undiscovered locally run “mom-and-pop” restaurant where you’ll likely find cheaper meals and a more intimate atmosphere. If all else fails, consider celebrating on a different night — when prices return to normal.
ney may be tight,
and perhaps a bit more flexible too. Make
t that’s no reason
it a rare night where you both dress up.
to scGrirmabpsoomne candles to add romance and a
touch of mystery to dinner, then exchange
handmade gifts.
Dig a little, and you might find a
u’ll have to be a little
cost-conscious place off the beaten path
e creative, and perhaps a
ore flextioblespteonod. your special evening. Or maybe
ake it a rathre ndaigyhitswbhesetrceoncluded with time spent both dress up. Grab some
outside under the stars.
les to add romance and a
Valentine’s Day On A Budget
By mJC
Once again, the winter blues have set in and not much fishing getting accomplished, so I de- cided to head set south and get some sunshine and education. I have been boating my entire life, as far back as I can recall anyhow and yet I never really received any kind of formal training. My knowl-
edge to this point
has been a col-
lection of what
my Father initially
had shown me and life ex- perience on the water, both fresh and salt. I have always wanted to learn more about navigating on the ocean and how things worked on the high seas so I decided to get educated on it
and also , at the same time to get some fishing in on the side as much as possible anyway. At this point I have managed to travel about 1500 miles south and have caught the same spe- cies ,more often that not, that I could have travelled two hours to the coast and caught,
known relatives, whacky It was associated with the Gbomefish, bit the got separated, wonder what that means, are they now divorced? They are known to live upwards of 9 years and grow as large as 55 inches. They can be found along the east coast of the United States and
bloody stump.
Well, that’s it for now, will
update from the sunny, warm, dirty south, till then, get out on the ice and have fun.
Money may be tight, but that’s no reason to scrimp on romance
Off the Hook
off as Australia and Africa, world trav- elers I guess. It does provide a helluva fight though. Just don’t get your digits any- where near it’s mouth or you may pull back a a
as far
  Valentine’s Day On A Budget
 The best part about all of these ideas
h of mystery to dinner,
is that they come from the heart — and
exchange handmade
. that’s what this day is really all about.
g a little, and you might
a cost-conscious place off
Dinner in doesn’t have to be boring.
eaten path to spend your
Find music that recalls a special moment
ial evening. Or maybe the
in time, while collecting special mementos
is best concluded with
spent oufotsridueseuinddeerctohreating the table. Preparing
. the meal together might make for a fun e best part about all of
change of pace. If you’re not in the mood
e ideas is that they come
to cook, or just not that great at it, order
the heart — and that’s
some affordable takeout but then serve it
t this day is really all
t. on your nicest plates.
Create a romantic dessert with dec- orated cupcakes or cookies. Even some-
nner in dthoiensgnm’t hoarevesimtopble like strawberries dipped ng. Find music that
in chocolate makes for a special moment.
lls a special moment in
After dinner, have a favorite movie queued
, while collecting special
up, binge-watch a show you both love, or
entos for use in decorat-
consider creating new memories with a
he table. Preparing the
l together might make for change of pace. If you’re
 o u
o m
d n i
b c
e s h
m u
e m t
in the mood to cook, or
ner, have a favorite movie
picnic, strike out on a long
Just be sure to match any
options for those who would
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