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 Page 8 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM October 2024 Community
Two-Stepping into October News and Events from the TTCC
Boot, scoot, and boogie your
and the crisp air of Fall descend-
be hosting a Babysitting Course ing upon us, we wanted to say
on November 8th, from 9:30am way to better health and mobil-
a huge thank you to the TTCC
to 3pm. To round out our run- ity through the two new dance
classes we are offering -Line
Summer Staff and Campers,
ning total of events, Turkey Trot another Outstanding Season!
takes place Thanksgiving morn- Dancing and Youth Dance.
Thank you! We went to so many
ing, November 28th.
Every Wednesday from 6 to 8 pm
at the TTCC, we will offer Line
places, had six overnight stays,
We hope to see you at one of and made memories that would
our programs, events, or classes Dancing for $10 per person per
last a while. We got to use our
as we are in the final stages of class. Instructor Charlene Del-
lascio offers this class to all ages
new gym floor and sincerely
our building renovation. We want to thank all of our part-
hope to be finished by the New and abilities and says, ‘If you can
ners who provided a place for
Year with a Ribbon Cutting cel- count to 4 and know your right
from your left, you’re ready for
our campers while we wrap up
ebration and will be cordially renovations at the center. What
inviting all of our Community line dancing’. One recent par-
an awesome Summer – looking
Partners, Program Participants, ticipant logged 8,000 steps in a
class -come on down and click,
forward to Afterschool and Fall
and Friends. We wish every- ing up that we hope you will
Dance on October 18th, and our
Sports and Events.
one a super school year ahead, turn and stomp your way to bet-
first Parents Night Out will be on
mark down on your calendars.
and if you have any questions, ter health and happiness.
Starting in October, we have
October 26th. Program details
We have our first Teen Night
some Save the Date events com-
With Summer still lingering
would like more information or on October 1st, our first Teen
will be forthcoming. We will be
would like to lend a hand this holding our 41st Annual Apple
Fall, please give us a ring at (603) Festival & Craft Fair on October
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Congratulations HYACINTH!
Congratulations CAMERON!
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Congratulations CHLOE!

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