Page 10 - Granite Life JAN 2023
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GRANITELIFE.ONLINE January 2023 Book of the Month: Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas
   By BRittany amalfi
Punk 57 tells the story of Ryen and Misha, two friends who were paired together in a pen pal program when they were younger. The two began writing to each other nonstop, telling the latter all of their stories, se- crets, and heartaches. Through a pen and paper, these two be- came soulmates. However, after a tragic accident unknown to Ryen, Misha stops writing alto- gether.
After picking up the pieces of
what seemed like a heartbreak- ing ending to their written con- nection, Ryen decides to move forward in her life. But when the new guy Masen shows up at her school, Ryen’s seemingly perfect image is threatened. With Masen constantly in Ryen’s atmosphere, making her high school life a liv- ing hell, Ryen’s unsure of how to handle the situation. But that’s not the only thing Ryen doesn’t know. She also doesn’t know that the mysterious new boy is actu- ally none other than her long- lost pen pal, Misha.
When Misha gets to Ryen’s school on a secret mission of his own, he’s devastated to find out that Ryen isn’t who she said she was in all of her letters over the years. From falling in love over letters, Misha’s feelings are re- placed with anger as she proves to be everything he despises: popular and self-centered. On
his mission to uncover se- crets about his family life, Misha, or as everyone knows him as “Masen,” begins to intertwine with Ryen’s life, and he soon finds out that even though she is everything he hates, he can’t stay away from her.
I think the most excit-
ing part about this book
was Ryen and Misha’s letters to each other.
They were filled with all
of their thoughts, hopes, dreams, and whatever
else came up along the
way. Their relationship
was so complex and deep
for two souls who had never ac- tually met. Two teens were able to get to know one another and form a deep connection through the written word, and books like that keep a reader engaged.
I’ve always been a sucker for a good enemies-to-lovers story, but when it goes from friends to lovers to enemies to lovers, well, that’s just a whirlwind on its own! Just like their written relation-
ship, Ryen and Misha’s physical relationship was also intense and complex. Misha despised who Ryen acted to be, especially when he knew who she really was. So once they officially met, anyone could guess that they didn’t have the best relationship. But that’s when character development comes into play. As Ryen and Misha begin to interact more in the physical world, they start to peel back layers of who they are, and they finally see the person they used to write to.
Written in a dual POV, the reader really gets a deep dive into both of these characters’ brains, and I’ll admit, there were some profound thoughts in their heads. Ryen and Misha are both fascinating people, and I think that is what kept the story so en- gaging.
By lauRa BRusseau
Franklin Savings Bank was founded in 1869 with one em- ployee. Today Franklin Savings Bank has over 120 employees in numerous locations. Still, no matter the years and the addi- tions, they have stayed true to their values of holding a culture of excellence, independence, collaboration, relationships, community, and agility.
In 1994, the bank started the FSB Scholarship Fund for local high school seniors. Since its inception, they have provided 680 scholarships totaling over $377,979.
In 1997, the bank established
the FSB Fund for Community Advancement with a 1 million dollar investment. Since then, it has awarded over 234,000 grants totaling $1,690,908.
That bank has purchased tax credits through the Community Development Finance Authority for a few projects which have en- hanced the town, such as facade improvements and helping with the development of Mill City’s white water rafting park.
Franklin Savings Bank is a proud supporter of numerous events through donations and sponsorships. One of the lon- gest relationships is with the Lakes Region Children’s Auc-
tion, which benefits numerous local nonprofits that help chil- dren and the food insecure.
The bank loves to support local businesses and nonprofits. Each month they offer a display in their lobby that features in- formation on these businesses/ nonprofits and ways to help!
They also support numerous causes, such as sock drives, food drives, and toy drives, just to name a few!
They know the value of in- vesting in their community and regularly have staff volunteering at The Twin River Interfaith Food Pantry and Bread and
Roses Pantry. The bank en- courages giving back and serv- ing others. Full-time employees get two paid days a year to vol- unteer in the community. The bank also matched employee donations through their involve- ment with the Granite United Way’s annual fundraising cam- paign. In 2021, they raised over $20,000.The bank also has a “go green” initiative!
Franklin Savings Bank, a true community bank- For more in- formation on the amazing com- munity impact that FSB has, check out
     316 Central St. • City Hall • Franklin
Info and Tickets online or call 603-934-1901

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