P. 5

March 2023
Page 5
   By Brittany amalfi
February was a fantastic month for Franklin High! The students got to partake in their annual winter carnival, and by the looks of these pictures, the entire event was a big hit! The students had over a week filled with exciting activities. With the kick-off being the 17th and then a week full of spirit days, the stu- dents were no strangers to the fun.
This seven-day-long event was only successful with the ex- ceptional students who organized the whole thing. After the Stu- dent Council made sure that the student voices were heard when preparing this event, they worked tirelessly to put it on so the entire school could participate in all of the exciting events.
I had the opportunity to ask the Student Council some ques- tions about how they felt about the whole process of the Winter Carnival. “It was nice to see peo- ple enjoy all the work that we put into each event. We loved seeing the classes working and coming together to complete the events,” said a few members of the coun- cil. After learning about the win- ter carnival, I knew immediately that this was the type of event
Winter Fun at FHS!
that a lot of work goes into, and this hardworking group of stu- dents did a phenomenal job.
They also got a lot of posi- tive feedback from the student body. “Overall, we received a ton of positive feedback from
each class. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the week! Adjusting to the snow day was difficult, but it went smoothly because of our backup planning. After all,
we cannot control the weather.” Everyone knows that when living in New Hampshire in the middle of winter, they must prepare for some crazy snow, and the student
council knew just what to do.
Of course, the Student Coun- cil got to join in on the fun. Many
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