P. 7

March 2023
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of them said that their favorite events were the snow sculptures as well as the events held at kick- off because the whole student body and staff were present. Overall, the Student Council was satisfied with how the carni- val went. “The winners being an- nounced at the dance was a very satisfying moment because it was dramatic and rewarding. During the clean-up, we had a “we did it” moment. Seeing everyone so into the events was extremely sat- isfying.”
Hopefully, the winter carnival will stay a staple in students’ FHS experience. With how much fun everyone had, the FHS event’s future is bright. When asked what their advice would be for future students on planning this fun-filled event, the Student
Free for ages Birth to 5 years. Every month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday @ 11:30am-12:00pm. Held at the Bessie Rowell Com- munity Center. For more infor- mation, please contact Danielle Perrino @ DPerrino@Arch-
Parent Café- April 5th 1pm-3pm
Please contact Danielle Per-
Council noted, “Overall, we think it should be run the same way it was this year. Classes need to start planning early, since early planning can make it less stressful. Also, use sign-ups and spreadsheets to make sure every- one has a chance to be involved.”
Overall, the winter carnival was an excellent event for the stu- dents and staff at FHS. Everyone was able to come together and have a ton of fun. It’s never a bad idea to take a little break from ac- ademics to unwind and let loose a bit. The Student Council said the whole experience was posi- tive. “It was a joyful experience to engage students in different ways with active events and class bonding. We had a lot of positive participation from our classmates and saw their hidden talents truly sparkle like freshly fallen snow.”
Archways Upcoming Events
AA/NA Meetings
Free weekly meetings held at each location. Thursday @ 6pm AA Speaker meeting at 175 Central St Franklin. Wednesday at 7:30pm an AA Speaker Meet- ing and Thursday at 7pm a NA meeting is held @ 5 Prospect St in Tilton. Call 603-671-0060 for more information.
   rino @ DPerrino@Archwaysnh. org for more information on how to sign up
Kinship Caregiver Support Group
Monthly on Zoom the last Monday of the month @ 12pm. For more information and to register contact Tania Rich @
Families in Recovery
Free 17 week parent edu- cation class that meets weekly. It’s intended to help with Self Awareness, Child Develop- ment, Heighten Self Esteem,
Strengthen self-confidence and build healthy family relation- ships Please contact Ali Long to put your name on the list for the next class.
Virtual Office With a Local Presence
    Visit our website or call to schedule an online or in person meeting, or to request a quote.

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