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Page 10 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM July 2022 Community
Guided Hike of Tuthill Family Farm Conservation Lands
  Pease Public Library Releases New Online Exhibit, Old But Not Dusty: A Trip Through Plymouth and Grafton County
In December 2021, the Pease Public Library received $11,800 in funding through the Institute for Museum and Library Services “Grants to States” program. The grant program is part of the Amer- ican Rescue Act Plan of 2021 and was facilitated by the N.H. State Library.
The grant award was used to purchase a BookEye5 v3 Pro Color Scantastik Book Scanner with a book cradle and touchscreen monitor. This allows fragile mono- graphs depicting local history and culture to be digitally preserved and more widely examined by scholars and genealogists.
The Pease Public Library houses some materials in its climate-controlled local his- tory room that date back to the library’s original open-
ing in 1878. Unfortunately, they were not always kept in ideal conditions, and over time their spines have deteri- orated, and their pages have begun to discolor. The Pease Public Library began scan- ning its most delicate ma- terials in January 2022 and completed scanning these initial items in May 2022.
The digitized materials have been compiled into an online exhibit titled Old But Not Dusty: A Trip Through Plymouth and Grafton County. The online exhibit can be found on the Pease Public Library’s archives website at https://peaseplar- show/old-but-not-dusty/ about. This exhibit is avail- able to view starting June 1, 2022.
Alexandria—Join the New- found Land Conservation Part- nership (NLCP) and landowners Jen and George Tuthill for a guided hike of their conser- vation land on July 3 at 9 am. This hike is the first in a sum- mer hiking series that high- lights conserved lands in the Newfound Watershed. The Tuthill Family Farm along Patten Brook in Alexandria provides important wildlife habitat and supports water quality within Patten Brook, one of Newfound Lake’s trib- utaries. This easy hike of the conservation land, including the farm, solar array, and gar- den, is approximately 3 miles. Registration is required, and space is limited. Register on- line at events or call 603-744-8689.
The NLCP is a collaboration among the Newfound Lake Re- gion Association (NLRA), the Society for the Protection of
NH Forests; the Lakes Region Conservation Trust; the Nature Conservancy; and volunteer
servation within the Newfound watershed through education and community outreach. Learn
more about conservation in the Newfound Watershed and why land conservation is important at Newfound-
Land conservation is an important part of NL- RA’s work to protect the high-quality waters of Newfound Lake and its watershed, maintaining a healthy and diverse eco- system. Through water quality and invasive species monitoring, educational events such as guided hikes and nature activities, and land conservation efforts that protect open spaces and help manage stormwa-
ter pollution, NLRA approaches conservation at the watershed level. You can learn more about NLRA’s initiatives at Newfound-
 representatives from the towns of Hebron, Groton, Bristol, Bridgewater, and Alexandria. Since 2009, the Partnership has worked to promote land con-
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