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                                                         July 2022
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Anne Khoury said. “Many peo- ple could use a hand, but we’re not seeing as many as we have in the past. You can bring your whole family here and have a wonderful meal for free!” On top of that, for one night a week, she added that people don’t have to deal with the shopping, cooking, serving, or clean-up.
Khoury is just one of many who help serve their guests all the entrees, sides, and desserts. Mary Scott and her husband Mel of Bristol are among them, too, and Mary said it’s been a very re- warding experience.
“My friend Winnie Oustecky asked me if I could come help maybe 15 years ago, and I’ve just kept coming ever since. It does your heart good to volunteer. It’s good medicine!”
Serving a nourishing dinner is just a part of what the volunteers do though. They also nourish the soul when some of their guests might need a smiling face, a lis- tening ear, and sometimes even a little advice.
While the meals are free, do- nations to support the non-profit Meals for Many program are always appreciated, and people can send a check in any amount to PACC, P.O. Box 434, Plym- outh, N.H. 03264 with Meals for Many in the memo line.
Meals for Many is available from 5-6 p.m. every Thursday in the lower level of the Plymouth Congregational Church at 4 Post Office Square across from the Plymouth Town Common.
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been an ongoing program for several years, but due to the COVID pandemic, PACC and the church were forced to shut down operations in 2020 until this spring. Last month, director Michael Nicholas and his ded- icated crew of volunteers were back in the church kitchen, how- ever, to get Meals for Many up and running once more.
In the days leading up to the reopening, PACC President Mar- tha Richards said, “We are very excited that the Plymouth Con- gregational Church is opening back up for these needed com- munity meals again. It’s just a wonderful community service, and we hope many people will come by for a great free meal!”
Nicholas was a chef in the Boston area for 35 years and now enjoys cooking for Meals for Many. His job isn’t limited to preparing the meal each Thurs- day, though. It begins with gath- ering the ingredients ahead of time, and each week he arrives at the church to accept donations from the N.H. State Food Bank in Manchester. He also receives bi-monthly drop-offs from the USDA, as well as weekly dona- tions of food that he picks up from both Walmart and Han-
Volunteers of Plymouth Area Community Closet’s Meals for Many program welcome people from all communities and all walks of life to join them for a free dinner every Thursday night from 5-6 p.m. at Plymouth Congregational Church. From left to right are Director Michael Nicholas, Mel Scott, Frank Boule, Winnie Oustecky, Katherine Drouin, Jo-Anne Khoury, Mary Scott, and Dave Berman. Photo by Donna Rhodes
 naford’s Market in Plymouth. Over the years, Longview Farm in Plymouth has also provided the program with fresh fruits and vegetables whenever they’re available.
Through those items, his culi- nary skills help him develop a de- licious and nutritious menu each week. Presenting up to seven dishes for the meals, they include hearty meat as well as vegetar- ian options, pastas, vegetables,
and other side dishes, along with salads and desserts. For example, a recent menu offered chicken, pork, veggies, rice, pasta, pota- toes, and “a dynamite chocolate Oreo cake,” he said.
When preparing to reopen this spring, Nicholas was excited to see the improvements to the kitchen at Plymouth Congrega- tional Church that were done during the Covid shutdown. The kitchen now has two new electric
stoves, replacing an aged pro- pane stove, ample counter space, storage, and some inspirational messages on the walls that pro- mote the purpose of both the church and Meals for Many.
“This is a beautiful kitchen now with really great work- space,” Nicholas said.
A dedicated team of volun- teers supports him in PACC’s mission to provide healthy meals for the public. After the two-year hiatus, they are hoping the word that they’re up and running again will spread, and more people will join them each Thursday.
“I’ve been doing this for a number of years,” volunteer Jo-
 Save The Date - Aug. 28th
The Hebron Fire Department will be hosting a town-wide dinner/dance on Sunday, Aug. 28. This will be a special event for the community so they hope that residents and other interested parties in the Newfound Region will save the date on their summer calendars. Details for the evening of fun and great food are still being solidified but they ask that everyone keep their eye out for updates both in the town and in the August edition of this paper.
 Store: (603) 744-2650
Seafood Shack: (603) 744-3663
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