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Page 16 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM May 2023 Healthy Living
 A Celebration of Parents, Guardians and Grandparents
Looking for a new
adventure? You don’t
have to go far.
 By lauRa BRusseau
Do you enjoy getting out-
side? Exercising? Exploring
new places and historical sites?
ing reflective clothing a half hour before sunrise and a half an hour after sunset.
A group of passionate community members started
Then the Northern Rail Trail is
for you! a 501-c-3 not for profit orga-
Looking for a new adventure? You don’t have to go far.
By: Laura Brusseau nization-The Friends of the
The Northern Rail Trail is
a 5D9o-myoiule-nljoyngettirnagioluthsidaet?bEexgeirncising? Exploring new places and historical sites?
Northern Rail Trail to improve, Then the Northern Rail Trail is for you! maintain and promote the
in Lebanon and ends in Bos-
cawTheenN. orIthtecrnoRnanileTcratisl istean59t-omwilen-lso!ng trail that begins in Lebanon and ends in
Northern Rail Trail, a multi-use Boscawen. It connects ten towns! The ce4nt-esrepaosinotnisrinaiDlatnrbauirly.oTpoegnettsotaartelld., par
The center point is in Dan-
across the street from the Danbury Country Store. The store has restrooms, food, wat
burayn.d Tanoe-gbeikte scthargtiendg ,staptiaornk! across the street from the
They have an active board
 From here, choose your Daandbveunrtuyre!Country Store.
The store has restrooms,
If you choose south, it is an eight- foomdi,lewridaetetor,thaenredstaornedeP-obttiekre
Place train station near Andover, if
charging station!
you continue another 11 miles you wFirllobme aht beeraeu,tifcuhl WooebsesteyroLuakre!
If you choose to go north from the
cIofunytoryustocrhe,oyosue’ll rsidoeuitnhto, it
Grafton, passing by Kilton and
is an eight-mile ride to the
Tewksbury Pond.
restored Potter Place train
The trail is rated low for difficulty.
station near Andover, if
A great adventure for all ages.
you continue another 11
It is open year-round and allows
miles you will be at beau-
for snowmobiles, hiking, tifuelqWuesetbriasnte, ruLnnainkge, !snowshoeing,
cross-country skiing, dog sled
If you choose to go
racing, wheelchair use, and road, normtohuntfarino,mandteh-beikecs.ountry
and volunteer group! They
store, you’ll ride into Grafton,
Class 1 and Class 2 E-Bikes are allowed as long as they are pedal-assist only, and th
rely on the generous donations paspseidnagl-abssyistKcuitlstofnf ata1n8dmiTlesewpekr sh-our. E-Bikes that are throttled on demand may
on the trail if the throttle cuts off at 18 milesopferchomur.munity members and
bury Pond.
BTikheer starfaetiyl iissrirdaintgedto tlhoewrigfhotr, wdeiafr-ing a helmet ( required up to age 16), and weari
grants to fund their work. reflective clothing a half hour before sunrise anTdoa lhealfrann mhooureaftaebr souuntsetth. e Rail
A great adventure for all
It is open year-round and
allows for snowmobiles, hiking, equestrian, running, snowshoe- ing, cross-country skiing, dog sled racing, wheelchair use, and road, mountain, and e-bikes.
Class 1 and Class 2 E-Bikes are allowed as long as they are pedal-assist only, and the ped- al-assist cuts off at 18 miles per hour. E-Bikes that are throttled on demand may go on the trail if the throttle cuts off at 18 miles per hour.
Biker safety is riding to the right, wearing a helmet ( re- quired up to age 16), and wear-
Trail, check out their website at or find them on Facebook and Instagram. You can sign up for their newsletter and make a donation on the website. If online giving isn't your thing, you can mail checks to Friends of the Northern Rail Trail, PO Box 2064, New Lon- don, NH 03257.
You can also go to your local library or bookstore and find “New Hampshire Rail Trails” written by Charles F. Martin. The book is full of information on historical sites along the trail, maps, and in-depth descriptions of the trail.
Happy exploring!
ContRiButeD By: elizaBeth BRoChu, neWfounD Coali- tion foR youth (nCfy)
On Friday, April 14th New- found Coalition for Youth (NCFY), CADY and the New- found Parent Advisory Council (PAC) held the first Annual New- found Shout Out to Parents at The Homestead Restaurant and Tavern to honor parents, guard- ians, and grandparents from the Newfound region.
Being a parent means play- ing a million different roles. You are not only the parent, you are doctor, chef, chauffeur, thera- pist, teacher, and so much more. Whether your family consists of one child or you are expecting baby #4, one thing is for cer- tain, living life as Mom or Dad is one wild ride. Over 30 parents, guardians and grandparents were in attendance.
The Newfound Parent Advi- sory Council (PAC) represents families who are dedicated to building healthy environments and promising futures for chil- dren and youth. The PAC fosters empowering interactions among community stakeholders with a focus on giving voice to parent ideas and concerns, as well as en- couraging parent participation and involvement in their com- munity. The overarching goal of the PAC is to create an engaging,
positive environment encourag- ing healthy behaviors that lead to significantly higher numbers of drug-free young people in the Newfound Region. This will not only help children succeed in school and life but also contrib- ute towards an improvement in the overall quality of life in the community.
and to effect sustainable change in youth behavior, community, and school culture.
Brooklyn Rainey, author of “One Trusted Adult,” delivered the keynote: “"Unpredictable – Addressing the Challenges of Growing up Today.” With hands on activities and storytelling, Brooklyn provided participants with best parenting practices to help raise happy, healthy, and
Presentations from Newfound
Coalition for Youth and CADY providedparentswithlocalyouthsupportedchildrenintoday’sk
substance use data specifically for the Newfound Region as well as key resources and tools they need to support healthy and drug-free kids.
Newfound Regional High
School students Mikayla Ul-
wick, Logan Hinton and Lauren
Paige, participants in “Getting to
Y,” discussed what the GTY stu-
dents had identified as key pub-
lic health priorities among their
peers based on the exploration of
their local Youth Risk Behavior
Survey data. They shared their
innovative strategies to address
critical public health concerns in-
cluding mental health, substance
misuse and healthy relationships amongtheirpeers.Throughcan’twaitfornextyear!Tolearne youthleadership,partnershipsmoreabouttheNewfoundCoa- go with adults, participatory action lition for Youth or the Newfound research,andpeerandcommu-ParentAdvisoryCouncil(PAC),ng
nity engagement, these students are working to build their capac- ity for future civic engagement
go to or contact Liz Brochu at ebrochu@cadyinc. org.
ever-changingworld.Researcher, shows that one trusted adult
can have a profound effect on a
child’s life influencing that young
person toward positive growth, greater engagement in school and community activities, better overall health and prevention of risky and threatening behaviors. Trusted adults are needed now more than ever, as adolescents are finding riskier ways to ad- dress their fears and anxieties.
Thank you to Brooklyn Raney for her outstanding presentation, and to all the parents, guardians and grandparents who partic- ipated in the 1st Annual New- found Shout Out to Parents, we
         Liz Brochu, Project Director, Newfound Coalition for Youth provides an overview of local substance misuse data from Newfound Regional High School.
NRHS students Mikayla Ulwick, Logan Hinton and Lauren Paige who participate in “Getting to Y,” discussed what they had identified as key public health priorities among their peers based on the exploration of their local Youth Risk Behavior Survey data.
Keynote speaker Brooklyn Raney, author of “One Trusted Adult,” delivers her keynote presentation “Unpredictable– Addressing the Challenges of Growing Up Today.”
1st Annual Newfound Shout Out to Parents
Celebrating Parents, Guardians and Grandparents of the Newfound Region
for rates and discounts at
Reach Every Home and Business in 5 Towns!
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