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May 2023 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM World Migratory Bird
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  Day at Grey Rocks!
HEBRON — Join local birders Tom McShane & Toby Sackton for World Migratory Bird Day at Grey Rocks Conser- vation Area, Saturday, May 13, 7:30-11:30am! World Migratory Bird Day is celebrated twice a year to highlight the great dis- tances that birds travel and the resources that they need to be successful each year. Participants will explore the trails at Grey Rocks using their eyes & ears to locate and identify birds and ex- pand their knowledge of bird di- versity & adaptations. Tom and Toby will share their tips for bird ID and enthusiasm for exploring Newfound in all seasons. This drop-in event is geared toward all people with an interest in ex- ploring the natural world.
NLRA works to protect the high-quality waters of Newfound Lake and its watershed, main- taining a healthy and diverse ecosystem. Along with educa- tional programming like guided
Tree Swallow photo courtesy of USFWS
walks and paddles, NLRA mon- itors water quality, conserves land, manages stormwater pol- lution, and monitors for inva- sive species. For more than 50 years NLRA has been protecting Newfound Lake, and the results of that conservation are as clear as Newfound’s water. You can learn more about NLRA’s initia- tives at
On April 21, the Bone Build- er's exercise group in Bristol, NH celebrated its 10th anniversary. For 10 years women and men have gathered two mornings a week at the Bristol UCC, to work on balance, strength & weight training as a way to help prevent
and treat osteoporosis. The pro- gram also promotes a general sense of health & wellness and provides socialization for seniors in the Newfound Area. The pro- gram was developed by Tufts University, and is sponsored by RSVP, a program of Grafton
County Senior Services Coun- cil. Thank you to RSVP and the church for continuing to support this important program and a special thank you to all the lead- ers who have served this program for 10 years.
Photo submitted by Rebecca Herr
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