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September 2023 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM Page 17 Healthy Living
Seeking Palliative Care and Hospice Care Early:
Pemi-Baker Hospice & Home Health Emphasizes the Importance of Timely Support
By anna swanson
Pemi-Baker Hospice & Home Health, a leading provider of compassionate healthcare ser- vices, is urging individuals and their families to consider seek- ing palliative care and hospice care at the earliest stages of a serious illness diagnosis. By doing so, patients can experi- ence improved quality of life, better pain management, and emotional support while reliev- ing the burden on families and caregivers.
Recognizing the pivotal role of early intervention in enhanc- ing patients' well-being, Pemi- Baker Hospice & Home Health is committed to raising aware- ness about the benefits of seek- ing these services well before the stage when death is imminent. Often, patients and families are under the misconception that hospice care is only meant for end-of-life situations. However, integrating palliative care and hospice care early in the care continuum can lead to holistic care and optimal outcomes.
Palliative care focuses on providing relief from the symp- toms, pain, and stress of seri- ous illnesses, with the aim of improving the patient's overall quality of life. Hospice care, on the other hand, is a specialized form of care provided to indi- viduals with a life-limiting illness when curative treatments are no longer effective. It prioritizes comfort and emotional support, enabling patients to spend their remaining time in a comfortable and dignified manner.
"Timely access to palliative and hospice care can signifi- cantly enhance the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of patients," stated Dr. Kristi Saunders, Hospice Medical Director at Pemi-Baker Hospice & Home Health. "By initiating these services early, we can create a care plan that addresses not only the medical needs, but just as important if not more, the emotional and spiritual dimensions of the pa- tient's journey."
Pemi-Baker Hospice & Home Health's team of experi- enced professionals is dedicated to guiding patients and their families through this challenging phase. Through personalized consultations, they assess the patient's needs and preferences, allowing them to tailor a com- prehensive care plan that aligns with the patient's goals and val- ues.
The benefits of early pallia- tive and hospice care include: 1. Enhanced Quality of
Life: By managing symptoms and providing emotional sup- port, patients can continue to engage in activities that bring them joy, maintaining a sense of purpose.
2. Reduced Hospitaliza- tions: Early intervention can help prevent crises and hospi-
Nurse visiting patient and family in their home.
5. Informed Decision-Mak- ing: Early involvement of palliative and hospice care specialists allows for informed decisions about treatments and interventions that align with the patient's wishes. Pemi-Baker Hospice & Home
Health welcomes individuals and families to learn more about their services through their web- site,, or by call- ing 603-536-2232 to arrange a free consultation. The organi- zation emphasizes that seeking palliative care and hospice care early is a proactive step towards ensuring the best possible qual- ity of life during a challenging time.
Pemi-Baker Hospice & Home Health is a trusted, non- profit agency proudly serving 32 towns in Belknap and Graf- ton counties since 1967. Expert services include at-home health- care and physical therapies (VNA), hospice and palliative care, and community programs including: American Red Cross CPR/AED/FA, Caregiver and Bereavement Support Groups and Ask A Pemi-Baker Nurse days at your local senior cen- ters. Providing compassionate care with experienced staff who are trained, certified profession- als and also your neighbors. In your time of need, we’re right where you need us.
talizations, reducing stress on both patients and families. Effective Symptom Man- agement: Expert pain and symptom management con- tribute to a more comfortable and dignified experience for the patient.
4. Emotional Support: Pa- tients and families receive counseling and emotional support to navigate the chal- lenges of a serious illness.
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