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 September 2023 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM Page 5 Community Kids’ Marathon Returns to Bristol September 30th! Brought to You by Mid-State Health Center,
Bristol Rotary Club and New Hampshire Marathon
tember 30, 2023 along with the
Center for a registration packet.
If you would like more infor-
OUTH, NH] – Mid-State
NH Marathon. The Kid’s Race
mation, please contact the NH
check-in will begin at 8:00 am
Health Center in partnership
at Kelley Park in Bristol and the
with the Bristol Rotary Club and
Marathon: race@nhmarathon.
New Hampshire Marathon is the
com or call 744-2713.
race begins just after 9:00 am.
Kids will be bussed to the start of
proud sponsor of the Kids’ Mar-
Running can be done any-
the race. Parents/Guardians are
athon. The Kids’ Marathon will a neighborhood, at the
be a FREE event offered to chil-
beach, at the ball field, or a local
asked to please stay onsite while
their children complete the race.
dren as part of the New Hamp-
track. Children need to be sure
Race Start is at the Mill Stream
shire Marathon on Saturday,
they are running in a safe place
September 30th, to promote and
and parents should know where
Parking Area by the Multi-Use
Path in Bristol, NH across from
foster healthy eating and active
their children are when running/
Kids Race 2022.
Old Mill Properties. There will
living among youth.
walking; everyone needs to stay
safe. The buddy system keeps kids
Here is how the Kids’ Mara-
be a celebration immediately fol-
overall exercise program as well.
New Hampshire Marathon and safe and offers encouragement to
lowing at Kelley Park to recognize
Kids’ Marathon this September. thon works: All children grade
Mid-State Health Center
this INCREDIBLE achievement
Mid-State staff will be on hand to K - 8 are eligible to participate in
wishes all the runners, and par-
all. Wear a good pair of sneakers
the Kids’ Marathon on race day.
ticularly the youth participants,
and try to keep one pair just for
for all children who complete the
volunteer and assist at the Kids’ running. It is important for kids
Mid-State Kids' Marathon.
Marathon and look forward to The goal is for each registered
the very best success in meeting
cheering on the kids as they cross youth participant to complete
their health and fitness goals as
A special marathon medal will
to eat right, stay hydrated, and
25.2 miles of running/walking/
they prepare to compete in the
get plenty of sleep as part of an
be given to each child who brings
the finish line!
their COMPLETED training log
activity PRIOR to the Kids' Mar-
on Race Day! To pre-register for
athon, and then to participate in
the race in Bristol, NH to com-
the Free Kids’ Marathon online
Fully Insured and print the mileage log visit
plete the final mile of their “mar-
NOW HIRING or stop by the
athon” at the Kids’ Marathon.
Race Day is Saturday, Sep-
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