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March 2024
 NLRA Animal Tracks, March 7th
  HEBRON—Animal tracks are a great way to explore what wildlife is doing when we’re not around, but they can be tricky to decipher. Join Newfound Lake Region Association (NLRA) Education & Outreach Man- ager Mirka Zapletal for an in- troduction to animal track and sign identification at the Hebron Town Forest on Thursday, March 7th, at 9:30am. Many wildlife species spend a lot of time trying not to be seen, but they do leave behind clues about what they are
doing and how they are doing it. Animal tracks and signs can tell
us who was there, how they were using the space, and even what they were eating.
Participants will get an in- troduction to tracks and gaits of local wildlife, learning which characteristics to cue in on. The event will finish with a short hike to look for recent animal tracks and signs. Register online at or call 603-744-8689.
You can learn more about NLRA’s initiatives at Newfound-
  NRHS Senior Evan Foster was named a National Merit Scholarship finalist.
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  The TTCC Has Spring Fever
 It’s a vast snowscape now, with banks of gray, brown, and white and narrowing icy roads to navigate, but Summer Camp is just around the corner, with reg- istration opening on March 4th. Couple this with Ball Season registrations opening on Febru- ary 1st, and spring fever has hit; game on! Before we usher in the longer days and better weather, we have some amazing pro- grams to keep you busy, begin- ning with our next Parents Night Out, which is themed all things Pokémon.
The TTCC Baseball, Softball, and T-Ball Season kicked off reg- istrations on February 1st. Sign up for one of our ball programs with Opening Day on May 4th this year. Check out the TTCC website for more information and for dates and times.
To keep you busy and bustling towards the better weather, we have pick-up games from Volley- ball to Badminton to Pickleball, all for just $2 a night, or $50 over the season. Get a game going
and get in shape for ball and bug season.
For more information, please contact our office at (603) 744- 2713 or through email at info@ Stay safe and warm while we await the coming of Spring. It is surely on its way.

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