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 August 2024 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM Page 9 Community Book of the Month: The Housemaid by Freida McFadden
to a wealthy man, which in-
an intense animosity towards
of a reading slump. It kept me trigued Millie. However, once
guessing until the end, plot twist Millie. The multitude of possible
Millie started working, Nina's
after plot twist. And, not to men- explanations for her actions kept
me engaged in uncovering the
demeanor changed drastically.
tion Millie’s plot twist that had Instead of the welcoming person
me second-guessed everything I truth. I was compelled to delve
she seemed during the interview,
read from page one.
into Nina’s psyche, and Freida
McFadden skillfully delivered on
Nina became harsh and unpre-
Do yourself a favor, and if dictable. She began criticizing
you find yourself sitting at the revealing her complexities.
Millie over minor issues and
lake or just on the deck with The Housemaid’s plot is
highly intricate and contains
intentionally made messes that
a drink in hand, pick up The Millie had to clean up. This sud-
Housemaid because it’s the per- no mystery or thriller elements.
By BRittany amalfi
den shift left Millie feeling con-
fect companion to a relaxing day McFadden’s fast-paced yet easy-
to-read writing makes this book
fused and uneasy, questioning
in the sun despite the heart-rac- When I saw that this book
what had caused Nina's abrupt
ing story.
perfect for getting anyone out
took the world by storm—and
change in behavior.
by that, I mean I saw it all over
As weeks went by, Millie
TikTok—I knew I had to read
found herself navigating a work
it. And with no surprise what-
environment that felt increas-
soever, Freida McFadden's The
ingly challenging due to Nina's
Housemaid was an unput-
unpredictable mood swings and
downable thriller. I know I’ve
unreasonable demands. Despite
mentioned before that I can be
the difficulties, Millie became
a slow reader at times, taking
more curious about Nina's mo-
weeks to finish books, but it took
tivations. She wondered what
me all of a few hours to finish
could be behind Nina's sud-
The Housemaid. From page
den hostility and if there was a
one, I was instantly drawn in.
deeper reason for her behavior.
Millie Calloway is just some-
As Millie just tries to deal
one trying to start over. However,
with Nina and all of her antics,
due to her troubled past, she has
she does her best to keep her
Locally owned and operated by Wilkinson-Beane,Inc. Not affiliated with any other cremation groups.
difficulty finding a place to hire
*Price based on Complete online cremation package. Additional charges may apply
head down and keep her job,
her. But when she gets an offer
but as things start to escalate,
to be a live-in maid for a wealthy
Millie realizes that there might
family, she jumps at the oppor-
be something far more sinister
tunity. Not only will she have a
going on.
high-paying job but also a place
This book was gripping from
to live while she gets back on her
start to finish. Millie and Nina
feet. It was almost too good to be
were captivating characters
true. Well, this book is a psycho-
who drove the story towards
logical thriller, so it probably is.
its dramatic conclusion. Nina’s
During her initial interview,
unpredictable behavior left me
Nina appeared to be a kind
constantly questioning her mo-
and eccentric woman married
tives and why she harbored such
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