Page 7 - OCT2023
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October 2023
NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM Page 7 these two women were involved in and enjoyed cake and refreshments. Cl
Members and friends of Pasquaney Garden Club gath- ered recently to honor the gift of over three decades of service from Master Gardeners Judy Kraemer and Shirley Yorks. Gathered at the Minot Sleeper Library, the group shared remembrances of some of the outstanding projects these two women were involved in and enjoyed cake and refresh- ments. Club President Barbara Carpenter explained the club’s intention to honor the two ladies with a dedication tree in the But- terfly Garden. Judy and Shirley then participated in the selection of Acer Palmatum Dissectum (Japanese Thread-Leaf Maple), which will be planted in the But- terfly Garden.
Pictured are Shirley Yorks (2nd from left) and Judy Kraemer (next to Shirley). Jane Kraemer, Jo-Anne Cole and Joe Kraemer joined in the celebration.
Judy and Shirley have each
continued on next page 6
Plymouth Town Wide Yard Sale to benefit the Bridge House Vet- erans Fund. Keep up with our news on https://www.facebook. com/PlymouthYardSaleNH
The Plymouth Town Wide Yard Sale, always held the Sat- urday after Labor Day, is a tra- dition that brings visitors to the Plymouth area, stimulates com- munity spirit, raises awareness of housing needs and solutions, and introduces people to the Bridge House Shelter and its many ser- vices. Bridge House Ladders, Step Ladders, and Flip’n Fur- niture are thrift businesses that
made many notable contribu- tions to community life in the Newfound area. On this occa- sion, Pasquaney Garden Club wanted to highlight some of those particular importance to the club.
Judy initiated the project to create the Butterfly Garden be- hind Minot Sleeper Library in 2000 as part of community ser- vice required by the Master Gar- dener program. The stretch of land between the parking lot and the river bed had been long ne- glected and large items of trash overgrown with weeds were a sad and dangerous setting. With help from members, neighbors and the Town, Judy inspired the clean-up of the river edge, res-
Pictured are Shirley York
toration of the soil and creation
a wedding, picnics, small group
Members and friends of Pasquaney Garden Club gathered recently to hono
three decades of service from Master Gardeners Judy Kraemer and Shirley
Butterfly Garden. Judy and Shirley then participated in the selection of Ac
 the Minot Sleeper Library, the group shared remembrances of some of the
Carpenter explained the club’s intention to honor the two ladies with a ded
Pasquaney Garden Club Celebrates Judy Kraemer
Dissectum (Japanese Thread-Leaf Maple), which will be planted in the But
and Shirley Yorks for Years of Service
club and community experiences on topics about horticulture and
available for the garden repairs and replanting. Under Shirley’s
pBroujecttse; irtflhyas Gbeeanrtdhesnitebofehind
Library in 2000 as part of community service required by the Master Garde
of the garden. Judy shared her flower shows, gardening, envi- careful organization, hundreds meetings and simply a place to
talents in many other wsatyrsewticthh orofnmlaentadl ibssuest,wfoerestnry tahnde pofaprkerienngiallso, sthraubnsdantdhtreesrivwearndbereodr siht paeadcefbulelyenenarltoheng ne
the club also, serving as presi- farming. were considered and ordered and river sounds and enjoy the flow-
items of trash overgrown with weeds were a sad and dangerous setting. W
dent for several years, organizing Shirley’s gardening enthusi- a large group of club members ers, birds and butterflies.
programs and outings mto enmrichbearsm, enxtenidgedhtbo othrescomamnudnityh. eanTdovwolun,teeJrus cdaryrieidnsoupt itrhe d thTehecinlsepiarantio-nus opf aofefwt, haned river
Shirley initiated the club project planting of the new garden area. the work and caring of many
the soil and creation of the garden. Judy shared her talents in many other w
of placing planters around Cen- Shirley has continued to work truly are a gift to a community
help fund the BridgaelHsou,sesetrvalinSqguaraesinpBriestosl,idanednotvefrorwsithetvheTroawlnyofeBarisrtsol,toomragina-niazndinitgispartoicgularralymapsproapnriadteoutin
Shelter and programs. time, planters and garden areas tain town support for community when there is an opportunity to
community experiences on topics about horticulture and flower shows, gar
Bridge House Shelter, LLC in the village and beyond. plantings.
is a non-profit facilityenservirnog nmeWnhetnatlheisMsiunoet sSl,eefpoereLis- try TahnedBuftaterflmy Ginagrd.en reno-
individuals and families of the brary was rebuilt, it became im- vation required more than just
Lakes Region, Grafton County possible to protect the Butterfly new plants. Given the greatly
and North Country NewSHhaimrlpe-y’sGagrdaenrdueringinthge ceonstrhucutiosniasinmcreaesexdtearneadoef dwateor rtuhnoeff cousmualmly aut tnheitLyi.braSry.hTirhlenyexitnitiate
shire as they work to transition to process. When the building was from the new roof size and larger meeting will be Oct. 17 and will
placing planters around Central Square in Bristol, and over time, planters a
permanent housing. completed and the parking lot Every veteran is wtehlceomvedillaegxtendaend,dthebareayfornthde .Butter- and served, supporting the na- fly Garden was extended along tional mandate to end veteran with it and required a complete
parking lot, environmental advi- sors provided guidance on a Rain Garden design to slow and filter runoff and protect the Newfound
be a field trip to Shin Boku Nurs- ery in Wentworth. Guests wel- come: email carpenb3@gmail. com for details.
homelessness. The FunWd 4hVeent- threnoMvationo. SthSirlelyeteoopkeorn LthiebraRirvyer wfromasiltraenbd upoilltu,taints.bAecamPasequiamneypGoasrdsenibClleubtios aprotec erans helps a veteran pay for task of working with the town low area with a large dirt berm 501(c)3 not-for-profit organiza-
the Bridge House any time by
check or on the website http://
available for the garden repairs and replanting. Under Shirley’s careful org of perennials, shrubs and trees were considered and ordered and a large g
Women’s Clothing Jewelry Accessories
2 Central Street, Bristol, NH 03222 (603) 744-6172
OPEN: 10AM TO 6PM TUESDAY - SUNDAY; CLOSED MONDAYS Comfortable • Sustainable • Affordable • Fabulous
Garden during the construction process. When the building was completed
special needs and activities of to ensure funds would be made behind it provided the filtering tion. daily living. You can donate to
extended, the area for the Butterfly Garden was extended along with it and
renovation. Shirley took on the task of working with the town to ensure fun
function, but had the effect of
separating the back of the gar-
Judy Kraemer (next to S
den from the front. To encour- age garden visitors to enjoy all
Kraemer, Jo-Anne Cole a
of the garden easily, two wooden
joined in the celebration.
bridges were built over the berm area and pathways created.
The Butterfly Garden’s pres-
Judy and Shirley have ea
ence in our community has been a source of pleasure for many
notable contributions to
people in many ways. Garden
Newfound area. On this
Club members and volunteers have spent countless hours for
Pasquaney Garden Club
many years sharing in a sense of
some of those particular
accomplishment and friendship caring for the garden; school
children and scouts have enjoyed
spring planting projects; high
school students have adopted the
Judy initiated the project
garden for community service
acknowledge such spirit. Upcoming event: Pasquaney
Garden Club meetings are held once a month April-December,

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