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April 2024
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continued from page 2
news stories, and pamphlets from the day show that the Grand Marshal was none other than Vice-President George H.W. Bush, who was running for president that year.
These bits of trivia are just the tip of the iceberg for those who want to learn more about the history of the Town of Bris- tol and Newfound Lake, though. The room is filled with interest- ing artifacts, and the members
are filled with knowledge they enjoy sharing.
Keegan said Bristol Histor- ical Society’s museum, located at the junction of S. Main and Prospect Streets, will open once again this summer on Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m., with a sign posted in Cen- tral Square to remind people to stop by and visit. It will also be open one weeknight in the sum- mer months, but the exact day and time for that have yet to be determined.
     Celebrate Spring with Pasquaney Garden Club
 Pasquaney Garden Club will be holding a short Meet and Greet open meeting at Minot Sleeper Library on Tuesday April 9th at 1:00. Friends, neigh- bors and gardeners are invited to join club members and hear about upcoming seasonal pro- grams and gardening opportu- nities.
On Tuesday April 16th Pasquaney Garden Club and New Hampton Garden Club will jointly sponsor a special eve- ning program at Minot-Sleeper Library in Bristol. The speaker will be noted herbalist/farmer/ educator Betz Golan. The pro- gram will be from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Watch for details in up- coming publicity.
Highlights of coming Pasquaney Garden Club events include a Flower Arranging pre- sentation by Bailey Christi, the new owner of Bristol Botanist (formerly Renaissance Florals); field trips which will include plant farms, gardens and several other speakers and programs. Full details of programs and gardening projects will be pro- vided at the April 9th gathering.
The club will continue to par- ticipate in planting and mainte- nance of various containers and garden areas around the greater Bristol area. The primary gar- dening project is the Butterfly Garden behind Minot Sleeper Library, and the ongoing re- newal effort will continue this season.
donations from members of the community, the club was able to pursue the removal of two dead trees and clear space for lovely new plantings. Colby Property Maintenance com- pleted the removal of trees and roots in February. The club wishes to thank Colby employ-
ees for a job done well! Pasquaney Garden Club
is delighted to announce that member/Treasurer Susan Yon- kers has enrolled in the Master Gardener Program through UNH. Enjoy the program, Susan. We look forward to your support and guidance!
It is with fond memories that we acknowledge the passing of long-time member and former Club President Judy (Julia) Will- son. Judy joined the club in 1989 and continued her active partic- ipation, leadership and garden- ing until she moved in 2019. Judy shared her talents with many friends and organizations in the Bristol area. Also of par- ticular note was her long-stand- ing leadership of The Friends of Minot Sleeper Library. We will remember Judy as a spe- cial friend and example of a life truly well lived.
Pasquaney Garden Club is a 501(c) not-for-profit organiza- tion. Dues are $15. Information may be obtained by contacting
  With the help of generous

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