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 Newfound Lake Region Association Benefits from First Annual Polar Plunge
 BRIDGEWATER – Ten brave souls took an icy dip in Newfound Lake on Saturday, February 24th, during the Newfound Lake Inn’s Polar Plunge fundraiser to sup- port the Newfound Lake Region Association (NLRA). Despite arc- tic conditions and a wind chill in the single digits, participants glee- fully took to the water through a hole in the ice wearing tutus, colorful wigs, and sparkly swim- wear, while onlookers cheered them on.
“The worst part was the an- ticipation and then the windy
blast after climbing out of the water,” said Polar Plunge partic- ipant and NLRA Executive Di- rector Rebecca Hanson. “I can’t wait for next year!”
The Polar Plunge raised nearly $7,000, which will go toward the NLRA’s mission to protect Newfound Lake and its watershed. “The Newfound Lake Inn knows that a clean and healthy Newfound Lake is important for the wellbeing of the economy and the commu- nity,” states General Manager Brenda Rees, “which is why we
are thrilled to be able to hold this fundraiser for NLRA.” The Polar Plunge was one of the highlight events of the Inn’s Winterfest activities, which also included live music, food and beverages, face painting, inflat- able ax throwing, and more.
Visit to learn more about NLRA’s con- servation efforts, including water quality protection, land conser- vation, invasive species preven- tion, and educational events.
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Newfound Memorial
Middle School's Allied
By Donna rhoDes
Students from Newfound Memorial Middle School had their moment in the spotlight on March 19th during the annual Allied Arts Night, during which teachers from computer technol- ogy, health and wellness classes, art, tech ed, and music were pleased to share their students' accomplishments with the com- munity.
The evening began with people being welcomed to the cafeteria, where the room was filled with projects and demon- strations by students in sixth through eighth grade. Each sub- ject had many beneficial ties to other classes, including math and science, research skills, healthy behaviors, and a bit of critical thinking.
Art teacher Mona Joyce was proud of the talents demon- strated by her students as each grade level was presented with a different challenge. With many great works of art surrounding a large part of the room, the large, colorful pieces done by eighth
graders as part of their Courage/ Hope- Art and Social Emotional Learning Project were easy to spot.
The point was to create some- thing that would encourage view-
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Arts Night
  eye-catching piece that did that and more. The phrase “Run from the Darkness” is used as you fight to overcome fears, along with other words reminding people to be strong, kind, and thoughtful in their daily lives. She said she also threw in a bit of herself in the piece.
“I incorporated a little bit of me and my ‘weirdness’ into it – it’s a mix of the surreal and the Courage Project, something I felt
would draw people to come and look at it,” Corliss said.
Beautiful colorful masks, Rain Sticks, and drawings in all genres of art also lined the tables and walls that night.
Tech Ed teacher Alicia Lynn had a display of projects her stu- dents have created in her courses. Sixth graders begin with general woodworking skills, learn about
continued on page 6
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Alexa Corliss proudly displayed one of her art projects during Newfound Memorial Middle School’s Allied Arts Night on March 19th.
ers to be strong and work toward positivity in their lives while si- multaneously drawing their at- tention.
“Imagine this would become a sculpture,” Joyce had told them before they began their work.
Alexa Corliss of Hill had an

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