Page 6 - April2024
P. 6

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wood burning, and then go on to create their own wooden puz- zles using all they had learned. Seventh graders are taught the inner workings of simple ma-
April 2024
       mechManinisemrsalofSpreocbiomteicnss, •wBhoicohks • Tumbled Stones • Fossils
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prepares them for eighth grade
promotes STEM activities and
Crystals • Open Year Round
when students learn all about
drones and how to make some members.
fun CO2 dragster cars. She also In Eve Bagley’s Wellness
Tues-Fri 10-3: Sat: 10-5, SuN: 10-4: Closed Mon.
own original board games. They through physical activity and
haRvte.t3o-nAo,tBornilydcgrewataetaeprlaying 603-744-6338 social and mental/emotional
board from wood and use a 3D printer to make the game pieces but also design the box to store it all in. Lynn said many of her students are also part of a com- petitive Robotics Team, and she now leads a new Technology Student Association chapter at
 chines and then move up to the
Gemstone & Glass Beads • Sterltihnegs&chGoolld. -TfiSlAledisFaindaitniognsally
Music director Sarah Farver-Staub and the Sixth Grade Chorus kicked off a concert presented as part of Allied Arts
  recognized organization that
Night at Newfound Memorial Middle School.
Jarvis, Paisley Begin, and Pay- tyn Spaulding. The sixth-grade band pieces included “Irish Tune from County Derry,” which featured a trumpet solo by Noah Bureau. The seventh and eighth-grade chorus spotlighted soloists Maggie Plamondon and Andrew Hunt in “Like the Beat of a Drum,” while their band later performed “The Cross- ings,” “Celtic Air and Dance No.4,” and “Junk Funk.”
Select Choir offered up a popular piece arranged by Alan Billingsley titled “Taylor Swift in Concert.” At the same time, the Jazz Band featured Cameron Hobart’s alto sax solo in “Jazz Hero,” with CJ Deuso’s trumpet solo highlighted in “Play that Funky Music.”
However, before the music began, principal Chris Ulrich thanked everyone who attended the concert that evening.
“...this is what matters,” he told the audience. “The fact that you’re here [for] your kids- it makes such a difference in show- ing you care and support them!”
He closed by asking the stu- dents to give their audience a well-deserved round of applause to show their appreciation.
To find other news and up- coming events at the school, visit their Web site at Erin Edwards’ computer stu- dents will be very pleased that you did!
 business knowledge among its
North Star Gems
wellness. Along with the sev- enth-grade students, they also learn how technology can af- fect their health through issues such as cyberbullying. Working in groups, they recently created posters to raise awareness on the topic, underscoring how cyber- bullying can affect a person’s overall health. In seventh grade, Bagley said the focus is on men- tal health and coping mecha- nisms they can use when things become too stressful.
“Everyone has mental health, but it’s not the same as mental illness,” she explained.
“They also chose an illness then work to debunk the stigmas and myths surrounding it.”
Working with a dietician from Hannaford Market, the two classes also learned about nutrition, and their “Mindful Eating” placemats showed how much they’ve learned this year.
Eighth-grade students are also taught how to practice good decision-making skills in Bagley’s class. Those skills were demonstrated at Allied Arts Night through DECIDE model posters they made about a scenario each were assigned. The model provided them with a means to work through their scenario and make a “health-en- hancing” decision.
Computer students have ac- complished a lot this year as well. Instructor Erin Edwards said that over their middle school years, they learn how to use Google Apps, are taught
HTML and coding skills, and can eventually move on to Web- site Design. They have become so adept at those skills that the Newfound Memorial Middle School Web site is now designed solely by them. One student noted that the bear paw logo was incorrect and corrected it to have five and not four toes. They have upgraded the school contact page and are currently working to add a picture of each administrator and teacher. In addition, the students are add- ing other images to make the site easier to navigate and more attractive to viewers.
“They look at the site, see what they want to change, then do it. I’m really proud of them,” Edwards said. “Some are upset about how the school is being perceived by the community lately, so they’re also going to try to increase the visibility of the awesome things that go on here!”
The final awesome thing that went on at Allied Arts Night was a concert in the gymna- sium. Music instructors Sarah Farver-Staub and Jenn Stevens took turns in directing the cho- ral groups, Select Choir, bands, and the Jazz Band. In all, there were 53 participants in the sixth- grade groups, with 65 singers and musicians in the combined seventh and eighth-grade choir and bands. Performances for the evening included “Carry the Night” (6th-grade chorus) with soloists Saya Trnavskis, Noelle
teaches a class on the basics of
electricity and, in another, chal-
lenges students to make their
class, sixth graders begin by
learning the importance of bal-
ancing their wellness “triangle”
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