Page 18 - APRIL2022
P. 18

NH Division of Historical Resources Summer Archaeology Field School Accepting Applications
Newfound Lake
 Region Association’s
Boat Storage
Lottery Now Open
The N.H. Division of His- torical Resources’ State Conser- vation and Rescue Archaeology Program is currently accepting applications for its 2022 field school at Bear Brook State Park in Allenstown.
In addition to continuing the excavation of a pre-contact ar- chaeological deposit identified during the 2021 season, this year’s field school will also focus on several additional areas that exhibit the potential to contain pre-contract deposits.
Each SCRAP field school session is two weeks long, June 6-17 and June 20-July 1, with fieldwork taking place on week- days from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Due to the precise nature of archae- ological work, each session is limited to 20 participants.
Individuals 18 years of age
and older who are interested in learning professional archaeo- logical survey and excavation techniques, including artifact identification and excavation documentation, are welcome to apply; parent or guardian participation is required for in- dividuals 16 or 17 years of age.
A nominal fee, used to de- fray the cost of equipment and supplies, is charged to both vol- unteers and to students apply- ing for academic credit through Plymouth State University.
SCRAP field schools con- form to the standards for archaeology set forth by the Na- tional Parks Service. This year’s sessions will again be directed by Mark Doperalski, New Hampshire state archaeologist.
Registration for the NHDHR 2022 SCRAP field schools
closes April 30. For more in- formation, including how to register, visit SCRAP.htm and click on “Up- coming Events & Opportuni- ties” or contact the NHDHR at 603-271-6433.
New Hampshire’s Division of Historical Resources, the “State Historic Preservation Of- fice,” was established in 1974. The historical, archaeological, architectural, and cultural re- sources of New Hampshire are among its most important environmental assets. Historic preservation promotes the use, understanding, and conserva- tion of such resources for the education, inspiration, plea- sure, and enrichment of New Hampshire’s citizens. For more information, visit or call 603-271-3483.
There may still be ice and nesting bald eagles. From the
snow on Newfound Lake, but boating season is just around the corner! Enter the Newfound Lake Region Association’s boat storage lottery for the chance to keep your canoe or kayak right on the shores of Newfound Lake and the Cockermouth River at Grey Rocks Conservation Area. All NLRA members are eligible to participate in the lottery, with seven storage spaces currently available. Lottery winners will be chosen at random on April 4th, and winners will submit a $200 rental fee for the storage season of May 1-October 31, 2022. Sub- mit your entry at NewfoundLake. org/storage-lottery. Questions can be directed to Conservation Program Manager Paul Pellissier at or call 603-744-8689.
Grey Rocks Conservation Area, the site of a former marina, was placed in permanent con- servation in 2011 and has since been restored by the NLRA to more natural conditions. Home to abundant wildlife, Grey Rocks visitors, may spot everything from beaver, bullfrogs, and turtles, to diverse species of waterfowl and Newfound’s resident pair of
non-motorized boat launch, pad- dlers and rowers can make their way to the Cockermouth River, the Hebron marsh, or into the open waters of Newfound Lake. In 2016, with a grant from the Newfound Area Charitable Fund, NLRA published the Northern Newfound Water Trail, a help- ful map for boaters detailing the numerous points of interest along the north shore of Newfound Lake. On land, Grey Rocks visi- tors can enjoy 1.5 miles of trails, viewing platforms, and picnic tables. Well-behaved dogs are allowed on leash. Grey Rocks is a carry-in carry-out property, so remember to bring a bag for any trash or waste.
Grey Rocks is open year- round, with trails maintained by NLRA’s volunteer Snowshoe Crew. Visit Grey Rocks and see everything it has to offer at 178 N Shore Rd, Hebron, NH.
To learn more about the NLRA and Grey Rocks Conser- vation Area, visit NewfoundLake. org. Membership with NLRA supports education, programs, and collaboration that promotes the conservation and preservation of the Newfound watershed.
 Rifles • Shotguns • Pistols • Ammunition
Optics and all Accessessories
Shay Littlefield
65 Pleasant Street
Plymouth, NH 03264
  Published Monthly Mailed FREE to the Communities of Bristol, Alexandria, Hebron, Bridgewater and Plymouth Circulation: 10,000 copies
20 Lake St, Bristol, NH 03222
Dawna Shackley
Advertising Sales Manager
Lori Koller 508-934-9608 lakelifesales@
Brittany Amalfi
Contributing Writers
Donna Rhodes Michael Conley William Nieman Suzanne L. Thistle
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© Copyright 2020 Newfound Lakel Life
 When: Saturday,May21st 9am-6pm
Where: Start/End HEBRON, NH
Town Green, North Shore Rd
This event is NOT timed and is NOT a race.
Walk-Run-or Ruck Around Beautiful Newfound Lake
5K, 10K, 22K (14.25 miles)
• Lunch Provided
• Proceeds Benefit Veterans Programs • Metals Provided for those who Finish
Ellen Andre • Planned Perfectly Weddings Nam Knights NH - White Mt. Chapter The Bulkhead Man & Sons
 Walk-Run-or Ruck Around Newfound Lake
May 21st $25 Registration Fee

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