Page 9 - APRIL2022
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    April 2022
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••••••• April 8 •••••••
Knights of Columbus Fish Fry
4:30-7:00 pm - 2 West Shore Road, Bristol, at Marian Center Hall
Newfound Area Local Happenings!
                                                                             ••••••• April 12 •••••••
For God and Country -
An Evening of Hope
6pm-10pm, Newfound Lake Inn
1030 Mayhew Turnpike, Bridgewater, NH Join us for a true grassroots evening of hop, celebrating God and our Country! Featuring music, speakers on faith and patriotism, a silent auction, and door priz- es. Hors D-oeuvres and cash bar. Doors open at 5:30pm. General admission $40. Purchase on Evenbrite at www.Godan- Seats are limited.
••• ONGOING •••
upcoming market day: Saturday, 4/2
The Blazing Star Grange #71 of Danbury NH sponsors the Danbury Winter Market to help sustain our local area, strength- en our local economy, maintain our rural landscape thru saving small family farms that preserve our green space. Our mar- ket season runs the first Saturday of No- vember thru May from 9 to noon. Two changes this season - the time! and we're going an extra month with our in person market. Blazing Star Grange encourages your support of our Danbury Winter Mar- ket Vendors. Local farms provide a strong anchor in the security of local food supply and they, along with our artisan, strength- en our regions economy.
The online ordering system closes on the Thursday morning before the Saturday market.
Market Location: Grange Hall, 15 North Road, Danbury NH, a stone's throw from the intersections of routes 4 & 104. For information contact Donna at 603-768- 5579.
Mondays at the Hebron Library Knitters Club, 2 to 4 pm
Bring your knitting or any portable craft project to the library and craft away in the company of friends. Support each others' creations and build community. All levels of expertise are welcome.
1st Saturday of the Month
Danbury Winter Market
Our market season runs the first Saturday of the month through May from 9 a.m. to noon. Two changes this season - the time! and we're going an extra month with our in person market.
Market Location: Grange Hall, 15 North Road, Danbury NH, a stone's throw from the intersections of routes 4 & 104. For information contact Donna at 603-768- 5579.
Book Buddies Program
Pease Public Library, Plymouth
Runs every second and fourth Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 PM.
To get your event listed in the Calendar, please email by the 19th of the month
for the next month's issue.
John Pynes Memorial Rabies Clinic
From 6-7 p.m., the Alexandria Volunteer Firefighters Association will host their an- nual John Pynes Memorial Rabies Clinic at the Alexandria Fire Department, locat- ed at 158 Washburn Rd. The cost for the vaccinations will be $10, and all cats and dogs brought to the clinic are asked to be on a leash or otherwise restrained for safety measures. COVID precautions for all human attendees of the clinic are also being advised.
••••••• April 17 •••••••
••••••• April 23 •••••••
                                             Deli & Catering - Bakery & More Local Micro Brews & Wines Special Groceries
Local Gifts & Products Clothing, Shoes & More
408 Mayhew Turnpike Rte 3A Bridgewater NH 03222 603-744-8616
Open at 5 AM daily
 Spring & Summer Arrivals Daily
    Newfound Sales Inc. & Trading Post
WE HAVE: • NH Gifts • Toys • T-Shirts • Jewelry
• Camping & Hunting Equipment
• Fishing & Hunting Lic. • Boat & OHRV Registration • Cedar Gifts • Live Bait
• Firearms & Marine Supplies
381 Lake Street, Bristol, NH 03222 Come in and see for yourself!
                                                Greg BARKER
Direct Vent Systems • Rinnai
Class A Metal Chimneys • Chimney Liners Gas Piping • Chimney Caps
 Gas License# GFEO905364
(603) 254-6101 Alexandria, NH 03222

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