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Cultural needs met regarding to evolution of   Board Members and Partners
    society                                             Maxence Musset

          New generation is volatile regarding to
                                                        Agilist, Coach, Open
   their job. With Stalwart Model we don’t loose        innovation specialist
   skills, they turn into companies of our ecosystem
                                                        Philippe Lafarge

                                                        Business Development,
   Ambitions of the project                             Relationship specialist

   2018 :   3 more companies will be bought
                                                        Stéphane Volland
          Settle of Stalwart for Lyon area
                                                        Strategist, Improvement
   2019:   4 more companies will be bought              Business specialist

          Settle of Stalwart in 2 more European         Nathalie Foex
                                                        Human Resources,
   2020:  8 more companies bought                       Wellness specialist
          Creation of Stalwart Academia to
          prepare new entrepreneurs                     Nicolas Charvier
          Settle in 2 more European areas               Industrial manager,
                                                        Production specialist
          New partnership out of European


   2021:  14 more companies bought

          Settle in Asia, North and South
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