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        An important point to digest before you read on is that over many years Feed Central
        has observed that one feature stands out about successful hay operations - ALL good
        decisions are planned early and logistics (including marketing/advertising) organised to
        achieve this success.

        In a summary, here’s what hay buyers want:

             Oats, barley, wheat, vetch and lucerne that is green in colour with no (or minimal)
             weather damage.

             Heavy, large, square bales that maximize freight and handling efficiencies for all. High
             Density (HD) balers are now highly preferred due to this.

             Feed with high energy, so baling while the crop is immature is vital. The higher the
             energy (M.E.) the better. The best way to increase energy is to cut early.
             Access to fodder 365 days of the year.
             Shedded product, with all weather access.

        This booklet is designed to answer the common questions that many growers have
        about hay and hay verse grain in early spring each season.

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