Page 141 - Improve_Your_Written_English [Marion_Field]
P. 141


        Taking out insurance
        We all have to have insurance of some kind. Many in-
        surances are required by law. We have to have our car and
        our homes insured. Fortunately these forms are not too
        complicated and once the first insurance has been acquired,
        a renewal notice only is sent in succeeding years. As well as
        the normal personal details, you will have to fill in details
        about the car (see Figure 14).

        Claiming benefit
        Sadly, many people have to claim benefit and to do so, it is
        again necessary to fill in forms. These are quite detailed but
        read them carefully and if you find them difficult to com-
        plete, ask for help at your council or social security offices. If
        you are claiming housing benefit or council tax benefit, the
        council will want to know the following:

        (a) Your personal details including date of birth and
            National Insurance Number. You must provide the
            same information for your partner if you have one.
        (b) A list of children for whom you receive child benefit.
        (c) Details of anyone else living in the same house.
        (d) Details of  your work and income including any other
            benefit you receive.
        (e) Details of any savings you have. The council may also
            ask for proof of these.
        (f) Details of the house in which you live.

        Filing in the tax return
        The tax return must be one of the most complicated forms to
        fill in. Fortunately  the  tax office provides us with a thick
        booklet of notes relating to specific questions. Do use this as
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