Page 163 - Improve_Your_Written_English [Marion_Field]
P. 163


        have a website and from this it is usually possible to receive
        the appropriate application pack. It is also possible to phone
        or to e-mail asking for information about a particular job
        and the ‘pack’ can then be sent to you.

        If you decide to apply, you can fill in the application form
        online and you  can  send your  CV and covering  letter by

        It is still important to prepare a CV detailing your education,
        qualifications and career experience. This should be relevant
        and easily readable, and contain only the details that a
        prospective employer will need to know. He will be more
        interested in your achievements in your last job than in the
        first school you attended. Your degree is of more importance
        than your ten O Levels or GCSEs.

        Filling in personal details
        At the top of your CV you should put your full name and
        title, followed by your address and telephone number. Some
        employers will also want to know your date of birth, your
        marital status and your nationality so it might be worth
        including those. (See Figure 22.)

        Your CV is a means of selling yourself and you must avoid
        the temptation to play down your skills and achievements.
        Your prospective employer will want to know whether you
        are suitable for the job for which you are applying. So make
        sure that you include details which highlight how suitable
        you would be for the post.
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