Page 181 - Improve_Your_Written_English [Marion_Field]
P. 181


        Acronym. A word formed from the initial letters of other
        Adjective. A word that describes a noun.
        Adverb. A word that qualifies a verb, an adjective or
           another adverb.
        Articles. The a, an.
        Bibliography. A list of books that have been used.
        Clause, dependent. A group of words containing a verb that
           depends on the main clause. They cannot stand alone.
        Clause, main. A group of words that contain both a subject
           and a verb and make sense by themselves.
        Conjunction. A word that links two clauses together.
        CV (Curriculum Vitae). A resumé of one’s education,
           qualifications and jobs held.
        Gerund. A present participle used as a noun.
        Homonyms. Words that are spelt the same but have
           different meanings and are sometimes pronounced
        Homophones. Words that are pronounced the same but spelt
           differently and have different meanings.
        Inverted commas. Speech marks: put around speech and
        Jargon. Words or expressions used by a particular group of

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