Page 56 - Improve_Your_Written_English [Marion_Field]
P. 56
wandered down the garden path she thought about the
letter she’d received that morning.
3. The team those who were present lined up to meet the
new manager they had had a bad season Clive hoped
Brian would improve their chance of promotion at the
moment the team was a disaster the goalkeeper never
saw the ball until it was too late the defence players were
too slow and the captain was indecisive.
4. I don’t believe it she exclaimed
Why not he enquired
Surely it could not be true why hadn’t she been told
before it wasn’t fair why was she always the last to hear
anything if she’d been the one going to New York she’d
probably only have heard about it after she should have
left why had Pat been offered the chance of a lifetime
hadn’t she worked just as hard.
See pages 162–3 for suggested answers.