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           References                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Members

           1  National Food Strategy - Part 1 July 2020. See                     16  The need for our approach to
    market-research-and-data/                                           business financial performance, such
           uploads/2020/07/NFS-Part-One-SP-CP.pdf.                                                                                that the ‘values' of a product result in
                                                              8    Neilsen Scantrack (Total Coverage GB Food and                  economic ‘value’ to the producer, was a
           2  RSPB & EOF (2020) Food Farming and Nature -     Drink Retailers) 52 weeks year on year growth to 3rd                central theme in the 2020 Reith Lectures
           getting the right balance from our land. November   October 2021.                                                      by Dr Mark Carney, former Governor of                    EOF Members
           2020                                                                                                                   the Bank of England. BBC Radio 4 Reith
                                                              9  OTB figure from Organic September Campaign -                     Lectures, December 2020.
           3  IFOAM Organics International. Four Principles of   source Kantar                                                                                                             Abacus Organic
           Organic Agriculture. See                                                                                                                          Coventry University - Centre for Agriculture
           organic-landmarks/principles-organic-agriculture.   10  Reciprocal Agreements: Australia, Canada,                                                                               and Water Resilience
                                                              Chile, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea,                     English Organic                                          Agricology
           4  Organic, Agroecological and Regenerative        Switzerland, Taiwan, Tunisia, USA.  Non-Reciprocal                  Forum
           Organic: Advocates a joined up ‘whole farm         Agreements (countries can export products to the                                                                             EcoS Consultancy
           approach’ to agriculture, where land management,   UK but the UK cannot export to them): Argentina,                                                                             Farm Consultancy Group
           food production and environment goods are linked   Costa Rica, India.                                                  The English Organic Forum represents                     Garden Organic
           and not seen as discrete entities. Fundamental to                                                                      organic sector organisations and                         Helen Browning Organics
           this systems approach is a recognition that farms are   11   Minister Victoria Prentis statement in the                businesses. In England 3,000 farmers and                 Hemsworth Farm
           living eco-systems as well as productive units.    House of Commons, 25th January 2021. https://                       growers work 300,000 Ha of organically                   Institute of Organic Training and Advice
           Agroecological and Regenerative farming practices                          farmed land. Organic production enables
           are encapsulated in organic and biodynamic         debates/c6c873bd-e1e4-4dc5-8c04-0513a5206456/                       nature recovery, delivers public benefits                Land Workers Alliance
           certification standards, however, they have no legal   AgriculturalProductsFoodAndDrink(Amendment)                     and supplies an organic market in the UK                 NFU Organic Forum
           force nor is there a common definition around the   (EUExit Regulations2020OrganicProduction                           that is worth £2.45 billion per year (market             Organic Arable
           world.                                             (OrganicIndications)(Amendment)(EUExit)                             growth of +4.5% in 2019).                                Organic Farmers & Growers
           Agroecology: Food production that makes the        Regulations2020                                                                                                              Organic Food Federation
           best use of nature’s goods and services while                                                                          Contact English Organic Forum Co-
           not damaging these resources. There is no          12  Reciprocal Agreements: Australia, Canada,                       chairs: Adrian Steele (Mobile: 07920                     Organic Growers Alliance
           unified, international legally defined standard for   Chile, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea,                  047 303                     Organic Milk Suppliers Cooperative – OMSCo
           agroecology.                                       Switzerland, Taiwan, Tunisia, USA. Non-Reciprocal                   or Christopher Stopes (07966 463 489                     Organic Research Centre
           Regenerative agriculture: Prioritises long         Agreements (countries can export products to the                                   Organic Trade Board
           term sustainable environmental practices that      UK but the UK cannot export to them): Argentina,                    Secretary: Organic Research Centre                       Organico
           respect planetary boundaries, leaving the land in   Costa Rica, India.
           better shape for future generations. There is no                                                                                                                                Planet Organic
           unified, international legally defined standard for   13 English Organic Forum (2020) The potential                                                                             Produce World
           regenerative agriculture.                          contribution of organic land management                             Acknowledgements                                         RB Organics
                                                              to ELM.                                                                                                                      Riverford Organic Farms
           5  Defra Organic farming statistics United Kingdom                                                                     Thanks to members of the EOF for the                     Rushall Organics
           2019 (28 May 2020) Tables 4 and 9                  14  Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee                   compilation of this document. It has drawn               Shimpling Park Farms
                                                              (2012) Natural Environment White Paper 4th Report                   on the extensive experience and expertise
           6  EU Commission (2020) Farm to Fork Strategy - for   of Session 2012-13. House of Commons. See https://               of many people.                                          Soil Association
           a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food                                                                            Soil Association Certification
           system. See  cmenvfru/492/492.pdf                                               Production has been supported by                         South Devon Organic Producers
           #:~:text=The%2520Farm%2520t0%2520Fork%2520                                                                             Organic Farmers & Growers and the Soil                   Sustain
           Strategy%2520is%2520at%2520the,the%2520Covid-      15  Defra (2020) Farming for the Future. Policy and                 Association along with contributions of                  The Biodynamic Association
           19%2520pandemic%2520if%2520they%2520are%25         progress update. February 2020. See https://assets.                 member organisations.
           20not%2520sustainable                                                                                                    Triodos
                                                              system/uploads/attachment_data/file/868041/future-                  Design and layout by Kirsty O'Meara -                    United Kingdom Organic Certifiers Group
           7  Soil Association (2020) Organic Market Report.   farming-policy-update1.pdf                                                          Whole Health Agriculture

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